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Tears filled her eyes at his voice. If she made it out of here alive, she was going to hug everyone she loved so tight. She couldn’t believe she’d tried to keep herself at a distance from them all for all these years.

“Kent, you need to find Zeke. He’s hurt—”

Bartolli pulled the phone away, ending the call before she could say anything more and she groaned with frustration.

“Now, Miss Jensen, we just sit back and wait.”

Please let Kent find Zeke.

Please let him be all right.

She didn’t know how much time had passed when a phone rang. Bartolli, along with his muscle, were sitting across the room in comfortable arm chairs, leaving her tied to the hard, wooden chair. She was sweating, tremors rocked her body and she still felt ill. Her head thumped painfully and the world kept tilting on its side. She needed a doctor.

But mostly, she needed Zeke.

Dirk, the big muscular guy answered his phone. He looked to Bartolli. “Reyes is here.”

Bartolli stood. “About time.”

“What you want done about him?”

Bartolli smiled. It wasn’t a pleasant look. “As soon as he hands over the envelope and money, kill him.”

She bit back her gasp. They were going to kill Reyes? What the hell? She swallowed hastily, knowing she was going to vomit again.

“Oh, and gag her,” Bartolli said. “We don’t want her warning him.”

A dirty gag was shoved in her mouth by Reynolds. She had to suck air through her nose slowly in order to keep her stomach from revolting.

The door opened and in walked Reyes. An envelope held in his hands. “Bartolli,” he said calmly. Obviously, he had no idea that he was walking into his death.

She tried to warn him with her eyes, but he barely glanced at her. His gaze icy cold grazed over her as though he didn’t even recognize her.

“About time you got here,” Bartolli snapped. “I’m not fucking happy, Reyes.”

Reyes shrugged. Couldn’t he sense how dangerous these guys were?

“Give me the envelope.” Bartolli held out his hand.

But instead of handing it over, Reyes threw it. Bits of paper went everywhere as he pulled a gun from his back and fired. She gasped as she watched first Dirk topple and fall. Then Reynolds fell to the ground with a scream. Then Bartolli and Reyes faced one another. By now, Bartolli had pulled his own gun. They were in a standoff, neither backing down.

Holy fuck.

She glanced around frantically. What the hell could she do? She couldn’t even move. Reyes was going to die and then she would be next. Except Bartolli wasn’t that far from her. He had his back to her, not seeing her as a threat. She tensed, gathering her strength, knowing this was going to hurt like hell. Then she threw her weight forward. It was just enough to topple her into his back. Agony engulfed her head as she heard a gun fire. She thought she heard voices yelling, a deep scream filled with pain.

Then a hand on her back, a voice in her ear, someone begging her not to leave them. Someone telling her they loved her. Then she heard nothing at all.



Shit. It seemed that noise was destined to haunt her.

A low whimper filled the room.

“Sh. You’re safe. You’re in the hospital but I’m right here with you.”

The hospital? She was in the hospital? Because of a crash. Then. . .then Bartolli. Reyes. The gun. She let out a low cry.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic