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“Well, of course they do. How remiss of me. Tell your tea party guests that I do apologize.”

She gave a regal nod then looked around at the three dolls she’d placed on the table in a circle. “Daddy says sorry for being such a bad butler.”

He hid his grin as he grabbed the teapot and moved to the sink to fill it. When he returned, she reached up for it.

“Uh-uh, what do you say?” he said teasingly.

“It’s about time.”

His brows lowered then he caught her grin. “You cheeky monkey.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Daddy, you’re being rude. Please pour the tea.”

“Well, at least you said please,” he muttered. “Someone is forgetting their manners.”

She gave a nod then looked around at her dolls. “I’m sorry for Daddy’s bad manners.”

He rolled his eyes at her silliness even though he damn near wanted to break out in song. This was the most at ease he’d seen her. He’d just have to be careful not to be too lenient with her because he was so happy to see her this way.

“Daddy, we don’t have any cake.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Shouldn’t that be, Daddy, please can you get us some cake?”

“Daddy, please get us cake.” She grinned up at him. And he thought he’d fallen into some sort of trap. “Chocolate cake, please.”

Oh, so she thought she was going to wheedle chocolate cake out of him. He moved into the kitchen and cut up an apple, bringing the plate of sliced fruit over to the table.

“What is this?” She frowned down at the plate.

“It’s what little girls who don’t eat all their lunch get.”

“But it’s a tea party.” She looked up at him pleadingly.

“You’ll just have to use your imagination.”

She sighed. A huge, put-upon sigh. “I’m sorry about, Daddy, Betty, Letty and Josephine. He just doesn’t know how to make a good chocolate cake.” She shook her head. “It’s hard to find the perfect daddy.”

“Little brat.” He tickled her under the arms until she called out for mercy. Then he kissed her forehead. “You named the dolly?” He nodded at the rag doll to her right.

“Yep, that’s Betty. Do you think that’s a good name?”

“I think that’s a great name, princess. Now, I’m going out to make some calls. Yell if you need me. But otherwise, I expect you to stay here. Understand?”

“Say please.” She grinned up at him.

He shook his head. “I can see I’ve created a monster. Please stay here, little brat, until I come back to take you for your nap.”

That made her frown. “Don’t need a nap.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Nope. Don’t.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Not gonna.”

“Yes, you are. And any more arguments and you’ll have to sleep on your tummy.”

She took in a sharp breath. “Daddy! I have company.”

“It’s okay, I’m sure they’ve seen plenty of naughty little girls get their bottoms smacked over the years.” He winked at her as he left the room.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic