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“Those photos would have netted him a lot more than a hundred k,” Reyes said sourly. “That was just the beginning. This particular senator has aspirations of becoming President.”

Jesus. This was a fucking mess and Eden could be right in the middle of it.

Zeke ran his hand over his face.

“I spoke to Bartolli about an hour ago. Told him that I thought I had a lead but it fell through. Not sure what our chances are of him leaving things at that, though. He may come after her.”

If he did, he was a dead man.

“I take it you’re somewhere safe?” Reyes asked.


“Look, I know a bit about JSI. I know you fuckers are well-trained. I’m guessing she’ll have the best protection. Honestly, it was another reason I called you in. I don’t want fucking JSI on my ass or the cops. If she wasn’t who she was, if I didn’t believe her when she said she had no idea where Keira might be, I would have tried to use her so it’s easy to see where Bartolli would have the same idea.”

He couldn’t trust Reyes. He couldn’t trust anyone who wasn’t his family. Which meant he would need to call Kent.

Fuck. He was going to lose his mind. But Reyes was right, Kent had the resources to find Keira.

“If she remembers anything, let me know. Sooner this bitch is found sooner we’re all safe.”

“The guy she’s with?” he asked.

“He’s a fucking ghost. Iron Shadows was all he had and no one here has a fucking clue where to go looking for him.”

He’d make a call to Corbin after this, see what he could dig up. “Can you send me all info you have on them both?”

“You gonna tap JSI’s resources?”

“To protect Eden, yes.”

Reyes let out a low snort. “Don’t worry, I never thought it was because of some brotherly affection.”

They weren’t brothers. But Reyes had been there for him many times. Until he wasn’t. Until he chose a gang over him.

“It will help you too.”

“Of course. Text me an email address and I’ll send what I have.”

“Why do you think she took the photos?”

“I don’t know. She has to know who they belonged to, though. My guy who took off with the bitch, he knew about Bartolli and the blackmail.”

“So maybe they’re going to use them to blackmail this senator,” he guessed. “Seems to me you have some problems in your ranks, Reyes.”

“I don’t need you fucking pointing that out to me, asshole,” Reyes said in a hard voice. “Believe me, things are not good here. But it doesn’t mean I can’t get everything back under control. I just need some time and to get fucking Bartolli off my case. He’s unhinged. Whether Eden has a chance of luring Keira out or not, there’s a possibility he’ll come for her.”

“Then I need to do what I have to in order to make her safe.”

“Figured that would be your call. Also figure you know this, but don’t ever fucking tell me where you are, okay?” There was a tired note to Reyes’ voice and Zeke felt a tinge of worry. “She doesn’t deserve to be caught up in all this, but she is.”

The phone went dead. He sighed and slid it into the back pocket of his jeans. For tonight, he was going to concentrate on Eden. On her trust. Tonight, he wanted her to get some rest. Tomor

row would be soon enough to tell her everything that he’d learned.

For now, he had to call Kent.


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