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“Never knew my dad,” he admitted. “My mother was a junkie who cared about her next fix more than me.”

“Oh, Zeke, I’m so sorry.”

He shrugged. He didn’t like to think about any of that. It was a long time ago and he’d built his own life without their help.

She seemed to sense he didn’t want to talk about his parents, because she didn’t ask anything more.

“What about the home you were in with Reyes?” she asked.

Shit. He didn’t want to go into that.

“Worse than most,” he admitted.

She made a pained noise. “Did anyone. . .I mean, did they. . .”

He reached over and took her hand in his. “I want to share as much of my life, of me, as I can with you but just like there are things about my job I can’t share, there’s also things about my private life I can’t either.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Both. It’s in the past. It’s not things you need to know.”

He could see under the lights of the parking lot that her jaw was tight. He waited for her to argue with him, but she just looked down at her hands. They were clenched in her lap.

“If Clint hadn’t taken responsibility for me after my parents died. . .”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“There is no way in hell that Clint would ever have let you go into foster care.”

He knew that for certain. That man was all about family. And family wasn’t just blood. Zeke should know, living on Sanctuary Ranch and being part of Jensen Security International was the first time Zeke had felt like he had a proper family. The SEALs had managed to fill that void somewhat. But the people on Sanctuary were his family.

And Eden was his soul. His heart.

His everything.

He just had to help her figure that out. And right now, he was done being patient.

“No, he wouldn’t. He has too much integrity for that. He’d never let his family down.”

There was something in her voice. . .did she think that she’d let her family down?

“He didn’t deserve to be saddled with a crippled ten-year-old,” she muttered.

He heated hearing her talk about herself like that.

“Eden, look at me,” he said in a low voice.

She shook her head, keeping her gaze directed on her lap. “Can we just go home now? This night has been a complete nightmare. I just want to forget it ever happened.”

“Eden. Look. At. Me.” He made certain to inject more Dom into his voice.

She turned her head to look at him. “What?”

He sighed and reached up to rub his thumb over her lip. Taking care of her was going to be a balancing act of gentleness and firmness. Because she definitely needed some understanding. She wasn’t immediately going to let go and let him assume command. But she also needed someone strong, who wouldn’t give in to her temper and bullshit.

She needed to know what was acceptable and what was not. And risking herself like she had tonight was never going to fit in the acceptable side of the table. Trusting his gut had gotten him out of some scary places and saved his life more than once. Right now, his gut said to give her a little dose of his stricter side.

“Watch your tone, little one.” His voice was deep, low. He saw a small shiver work its way through her. Yeah, she liked that. He wondered if she secretly craved rules and boundaries. She had some with Clint. But she could also work her way around him. Most of the time. Especially if she roped in Kent to help. He had a huge blind spot when it came to Eden.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic