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“Two overgrown apes with way too much body hair dragged me into a room, locked me in it and left me there for hours and now you’re pulling me in to meet some boss and you expect me to just go along willingly without even telling me your name.”

He let out another sigh. “You came into our bar. No one has harmed you. And you were locked in that room for half an hour, tops.”


“Well, it felt like hours.”

“You always been such a drama queen?”

“I am not a drama queen.” Out of all her friends, she was the one who hated drama. Who tried not to get involved in any of that crap.

“Listen, I get you’re scared. Little thing like you shouldn’t have come here without protection—”

“I’m not that little.” She looked small because of the chair, but she was actually tall and curvy.

“Aren’t you?” he murmured mysteriously.

“Do all bikers talk in riddles?” she snarked.

“Do all rich little girls need lessons on not talking back?” he countered in a hard voice.


Might be a good time to try and find some self-preservation skills, Eden. Not easy since she was fairly certain she possessed very few. But still, not pissing off the big biker dude would be a good start.

“You’re a jerk.”

“And you’re a brat. And if you don’t start watching that mouth of yours, you’re gonna find yourself over someone’s knee very quickly.”

He did not just say that.

“What happened to you not touching a woman without their permission?” she snarked.

“A spanking that’s been earned is entirely different. And I didn’t say it would be me doing the spanking.”

Did that mean he was talking about this mysterious boss man? Would he spank her?

Of course not. He’s just trying to rattle you. Wants you off-center and scared.

Yeah, well, he’d succeeded.

The big dude, who still hadn’t given her his name, opened the door and then stepped aside to let her wheel herself in.

“Such a gentleman,” she said with a huff.

She forced herself to look up once she was inside the room and her mouth went dry, her heart racing as she saw who stood across the room, glaring at her.



You cannot spank her.

You cannot spank her.

At least, he wouldn’t spank her in front of anyone else. He’d never do that. What they shared was between them.

He knew that her uncaring attitude was just a front. A way of protecting herself. He’d been fooled for a long time. Had thought that recklessness was her being a selfish little brat. But over time, he’d started paying attention. And he’d seen the mask she wore slip when she thought no one was watching.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic