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He’d stayed away. He’d given her time. Understanding. All things he basically sucked at. And he’d hated every moment. But tonight, the kid gloves were coming off. He was through tip-toeing around her.

The real Zeke was shining through. He was coming for her. Hard.

He stormed into the security room. A bank of monitors lay along one wall. Different views of the ranch were displayed. There were several men in the room, but there was just one man he was after.

The one who’d let her leave without telling him.

“Corbin! You’re a fucking dead man.”

Corbin turned; his hands raised placatingly although Zeke could see the devilment dancing in his gaze. Oh, he thought this was a game, did he?

“Clint said she could go.”

“And I fucking told you that the minute she tried to leave the ranch that you were to contact me.”

Instead, the tracker he’d placed on her car had alerted him that she was on the move. So technically he didn’t need Corbin to let him know when she made a move. Not only did he have a tracker on her car, he could also track her phone and he’d placed one in each of her handbags. That had taken him a while.

The woman sure loved her handbags.

And she always had one on her. So yeah, his bases were covered. But that didn’t mean Corbin didn’t need to pay for not doing exactly as he’d ordered him to. And once he’d retrieved her, he was going to meet Corbin in the boxing ring for a bit of punishment.

He reached into the cupboard that held the keys for JSI’s vehicles. His truck was at the mechanics. He took one of the unmarked ones.

“Yeah, and Clint is her guardian, not you.” Corbin stood and the room grew silent.

Zeke moved closer, he was a few inches shorter than the other man, but far wider. He could take him.

“Maybe not now. But she will be. Soon.”

Corbin snorted.

He gave Corbin one last cold look and turned away, striding out. He didn’t have time for this. Lord knew what sort of mischief Eden would get up to without him watching over her.

But he’d see. Eden would be his. And then he could be damned sure that he would know exactly where she was every minute of every day.

Then maybe he’d actually get some sleep at night.


She looked around the room they’d placed her in. She couldn’t believe it. She’d been locked up by a bunch of psycho bikers. What the fuck was their problem? All she’d wanted was to check that Keira wasn’t hiding in the bathroom and then she would have left. Keira. . .God, Keira.

Where was she? She couldn’t help but oscillate between anger at the other woman and fear for her wellbeing.

“I have better things to do that sit here!” she yelled out. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been in here or if anyone was close enough to hear her. What the fuck were they planning on doing with her?

“You have no idea who you’re fucking messing with!”

Yeah, great threat, Eden. They’re gonna be real scared of the spoiled little princess in the wheelchair.

Fuck. She knew she could press the alarm on her necklace and be put through to 911, but she’d save that as a last resort. If they discovered she’d called the cops, they could easily kill her before she was rescued. Plus, if Clint found out about this, he’d lock her in her room until she was at least eighty.

“If it’s money you want, you’re shit out of luck.”

Although she didn’t see how it could be that. They had no idea who she was. Or did they? Had something given her away?

Maybe they’d gotten a look at her handbag. It was worth more than this whole bar. They’d been quick to snatch it off her. Were the fuckers seriously holding her hostage over a handbag?

Urgh. God, if they figured out who she was and decided to extort Clint for money. . .yep, she was definitely going to be locked in her room until she was an old maid.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic