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“Because you’re a meanie.”

“Excuse me?” He’d placed the bowl in the sink and folded his arms over his chest. He leaned his hip against the counter. “What did you just say? Because I know that my girl wouldn’t sass me after I caught her sneaking ice cream when she is meant to be taking a nap. My girl wouldn’t be that naughty, now would she?”

Well unless he had another girl. . .

She sighed. “I’m only supposed to have ice cream as a special treat. I still think that’s a silly rule.”

“You can think it’s a silly rule, but you still have to obey it.” He crouched down, placing his hands lightly on her thighs. “You are in so much trouble, princess.”

She was often in trouble. Following rules wasn’t really her thing. She shouldn’t be surprised that Zeke was stricter than her brothers. And he kept a far closer watch on her. There was very little she’d managed to get away with. And she seemed to often find herself with a red bottom because of it. Or in time-out, which was even worse.

“Sneaking out of bed during nap time.” He ticked off his fingers as he spoke. “Eating ice cream without permission.” Another finger. “Calling Daddy a meanie.”

Crap. She’d kind of hoped he hadn’t heard that. She should have known better.

“That’s three punishments you have earned. Have you got anything to say in your defense?”

“I love you, Daddy,” she said hopefully.

“Love you too, princess. But you’re still getting your butt spanked. And you’ll spend ten minutes in time-out. Then you’ll have a nap on your tummy with your bottom plugged.”

Oh. Fuck.

“Hope you enjoyed that ice cream, baby girl, because you’re not having any more for a week.” He stood as he said that and walked around to grab the handles of her chair. A whole week? He was worse than a meanie. He was a. . .a party pooper.

Okay, she needed better insults.

He wheeled her down the passage to her nursery. She slept in their bedroom every night, of course. But the nursery was used during the day for naps and playtime.

She actually loved the nursery. It was done in shades of pale yellow and forest green. In one corner was her play area, with her dollhouse, along with all her dolls and their accessories. She was so glad that Clint hadn’t gotten rid of everything.

The therapist she had been talking to was helping her come to understand that everything that had happened had been out of her control. And that she did deserve to be happy, to be loved. They’d also talked about the fact that after her parents died, she’d given up her childhood. She’d become an adult almost overnight. Now, she was taking back that chance to be a child again. With Zeke’s help. He’d been so much more patient than she would have imagined he’d be.

On the other side of the room was a double bed. The comforter pattern was a woodland scene and the wall behind the bed was painted forest green. It was soothing, but still fun and child-like. An oversized, stuffed bunny sat on the bed.

In the corner opposite the play area sat her time-out chair. She hated that thing. Zeke had ordered it online from the same place Jed got one for Daisy. She had to find a way of stopping these guys from talking to one another. They came up with too many ideas.

He stopped her chair then came around and picked her up. He still loved to carry her everywhere. Even though she now had everything she needed to move around more comfortably, he still preferred to pick her up and hold her against him.

Zeke placed her on the chair, which was facing the corner. Then he grabbed the back of her nightie tugging it up so her bare bottom was sitting on the cold, hard wood. Panties were now part of her past unless they were going out somewhere.

“Ten minutes, little girl. And I expect an apology when you’re finished, for calling Daddy a meanie.”

Why should she have to apologize if it was the truth? She managed not to ask that question out loud. Probably just as well, considering.

She sat and tried not to fiddle or look behind her. She had a fair idea of what he was doing and watching him wouldn’t make it any easier.

Finally, she felt him come up beside her. He crouched down and she turned to look at him.

“I’m sorry I called you a meanie, Daddy,” she said contritely, hoping it meant he might go more lenient on her.

“Thank you, baby girl. You know I don’t withhold ice cream to be mean. Too much sugar isn’t good for my girl and I want her nice and healthy.”

She sighed. “I know. I was very naughty.”

“You were. You know you’re not allowed to leave the bed at naptime without permission.”

She didn’t often get an opportunity to sneak out of bed. Zeke usually worked from home while she napped in the afternoons, however today he’d had to go to a meeting.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic