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Night of Bear and Ellie’s Wedding

“Dance with me?”

He was talking to someone else, right?

He had to be because the only times he ever spoke to her were to scold or criticize. No way he’d ever ask her to dance.

And obviously, you know, she couldn’t freaking dance anyway.

She kept her gaze down, not wanting to see who he was speaking to. Because then she’d get that tight, nasty feeling in her tummy. The same one she got whenever she thought about him with someone else. Someone that wasn’t her.

She hated this feeling. Because it meant she cared. And she did not want to care about Zeke Jonas.

Caring about people only led to heartbreak.

“Eden? Are you ignoring me? That’s not very polite is it? Although I’m not sure why I was expecting you to suddenly develop manners.”

Oh no, he didn’t just say that. The ass.

Her head shot up. “I have manners, you jerk. But I only use them on people that deserve them.”

“What did I do to earn your ire tonight, hmm, princess?”

Christ, where had that stupid nickname come from? She had no idea but she hated it.

And secretly loved it.

Nope. Not going there. Zeke Jonas was a pain in her ass. Always thinking he had the right to tell her what to do.

“My name isn’t princess and aren’t you about to dance?”

Except, as she looked around, she noticed that there was no one else close by. So, who had he been asking talking to?

“Well, I was hoping to, but the person I was asking seems more intent on biting my head off than letting me spin her around the dance floor.” There was amusement in his voice but that only served to fuel her anger.

And sadness.

“You know, even though you seem to live for pissing me off, I didn’t think you could be cruel.” She grabbed the wheels of her chair, ready to push herself away.

Asshole. Jerk. Bastard.

This is just what she needed to remind her that she should hold no soft feelings for Zeke Jonas.

He grabbed the back of her chair. Most people hesitated to touch her chair, to touch her. Not Zeke. “Cruel? What the hell do you mean? How is asking you to dance being cruel?”

She glared at him over her shoulder. “You’re not dumb, Zeke. But if you need me to point out the obvious, I will. I can’t dance.”


The word was unspoken but clearly implied. Around them people continued to talk and laugh, not paying the two of them any attention. Glasses clinked against one another. People danced a few feet away from them. The trees had fairy lights strung through their branches, giving off a soft, gentle light.

Zeke moved around to block her path. Then he leaned in so their noses were only inches apart. Which made it all too easy to see his anger.

“Do you think I’m mocking you, Eden? You really think I’d do something so horrible?”

No. He wouldn’t. As much as he seemed to constantly disapprove of her, to disagree with everything she did, he wasn’t mean.


“No. I wouldn’t. I would never do that to you. Ever.” He placed his hands on hers, squeezing lightly.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic