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He leaned in and kissed her gently. She glanced around and nearly came to a standstill as she saw across the way, in the shadows, that Zeke had Eden pressed against him, her feet weren’t touching the ground, his arm was tucked beneath her ass holding her up. But he was swaying, holding her tight.

“Hope those two finally figure things out,” she said to Bear.

He just grunted.

“Maybe I should—”


?? he swung her around.


“Nope. I forbid it.”

“Darn. I knew I should have put my foot down about obey being included in the wedding vows.”

He grinned down at her. “Too late now, baby girl. You’re mine.”

She sighed happily. “All yours.”

How West was Won

Haven, Texas

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic