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He got them under the covers before moving them back into the previous position. She fell asleep, safe in her man’s arms.

Abby winced as she climbed out of the shower. She turned her back on the mirror and looked over her shoulder, surprised to see that her bottom appeared to be completely normal. It felt like it should at least show some sign of the spanking she’d received last night.

She decided to put on soft sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt. She didn’t plan to leave the house today. In fact, her only plans were to sit around watching Hallmark Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. Kent had to work. She hated that she’d disappointed him over this Max stuff. She needed to do better about communicating with him.

She moved down the stairs and into the kitchen, searching for the note he left her each morning. Sometimes it was a task. Sometimes he left her a gift. Her breath caught. No note. Oh God. She immediately searched the floor. Had it fallen down? Why hadn’t he left her a note? Tears welled as her insecurities flooded to the foreground.

Why hadn’t he left her anything? Was he still mad about the whole Max thing? Had her Christmas craziness gotten to him? She knew her friends were all getting these little gifts and tasks as well. Every day they called each other up to tell them what they’d been given or what they had to do.

The front door slid open and she looked over in surprise as Kent walked. “Hi, sweetheart. Good, you’re awake. You were fast asleep when I left.” He was dressed just in a tank top and some very short shorts. Something that would normally have her damn near salivating.

But not this morning.

“Abby? You okay? You look worried.” He peered at her in concern.

“There’s no note,” she whispered.


She waved her hand at the empty space on the counter. “There’s no note.”

He opened his mouth then stared at her with a slight frown. “There’s no note today because I wanted to tell you what we’re doing in person.”

What? In person? Wait. . .what they were doing? Not just her?

“So, you didn’t forget?” she whispered. “Or you aren’t tired of doing it?”

“What?” He looked at her in shock. “Of course not, sweet girl. Why would I be tired of doing it? Frankly I’m enjoying the hell out of thinking of things for you each day.”


“Abby, what’s goin—”

He didn’t get a chance to get the rest of the sentence out before she landed against him, hugging him tight. He had to take a hasty step back to balance himself.

“Baby, I’m all sweaty.” He ran his hand up and down her back. “Hey, what’s all this about?”

“I’m just glad you’re not still upset about me not filling in the journal.”

“Sweet girl, of course I’m not. We had a chat about that last night.” He tapped her bottom lightly as he said the word ‘chat’. “I’m sorry I worried you when you couldn’t find a note. I just wanted to tell you in person what we’re up to today.”

There it was again. “We? Don’t you have to work?”

He tapped her nose. “Nope. I’ve taken the day off to spend with my girl.”

Her eyes widened. “You have?”

“Yep. And I thought that first of all, I’d take you into Wishingbone for some pancakes. Then we’d go to that movie you’ve been dying to see and then we might do a little shopping.”

She clapped her hands together. “Really?”

He grinned. “Really. I think there might be one or two colors missing from your nail polish collection. And then we could come home, snuggle under a blanket and drink cocoa.”

“And maybe you’ll help me work on my journal entries?”

His gaze melted. “You bet. Sound good, baby.”

“It sounds like the perfect day.” She leaned up and kissed him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic