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“I’ll do my best. And I’ll give you special, magical Daddy kisses after.”

She did some more thinking.

“Otherwise, we’ll have to pack up and go back to the ranch so Doc can get it out.”

“You can get it out, Daddy,” she said quickly.

Yeah, he thought that might do it.

“That’s my brave girl. Come here.” He crooked a finger at her. She moved slowly towards him. He pulled her into his chest, careful not to bump her hand. “Daddy will make it all better. I promise.”

She sighed. “You always do, Daddy.”

“You’re being very good, little girl. Just a little more.”

Charlie sucked in a breath, trying to stop herself from bursting into tears as Daddy dug the splinter out of her hand. It hurt. And she had to close her eyes tight so she didn’t see the needle going in. Daddy had sat her on the kitchen counter and had her little hand in his big one.

“Almost got it. It’s in deep. Well done, baby girl. There it is.”

“Is it out?” she asked, keeping her eyes scrunched shut.

“Sure is. Want to see it?”

She opened her eyes and stared at the little splinter. “It’s huge.”

Clint grinned at her. “Enormous, baby. What a tough little thing you are. Daddy’s very proud of you for being so brave.”

Actually, she thought she’d been basically a wimp. But his words filled her with warmth and she smiled.

“Brave enough to deserve two helpings of ice cream?” she asked in a hopeful voice.

“Don’t push it,” he told her. “You know you’re not supposed to move the wood and you picked it up anyway. Daddy isn’t very happy about that.”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she told him.

“Let’s put a little disinfectant

on it.” He spread some on and it stung.

“Ow. Ow. Owie.”

“Nearly there.” A princess band-aid went on next.

“Now for some magical kisses.” He laid several light kisses on her owie. Then stepped back, looking down at her. “Well? How does it feel?”

She thought about it then gave him a smile and a nod. “Lots better, Daddy.”

He ran the back of his hand over his forehead, as though wiping away sweat. “Whew, that was a tough operation, but I’m grateful I was able to prevent amputation and that my kisses are still magical.”

She giggled. “Daddy, you’re so funny.”

He kissed her nose. “And you, my darling girl are as sweet as can be.”


Bear and Ellie

Ellie moved out of the bathroom with more of a spring in her step than she’d had in ages. She hated to admit it, but she’d been really exhausted. The last few nights, not only had Bear ensured that she went down for a nap in the afternoons, he’d also put her down early each night. Not something she was generally a fan of, but he had his own way of getting her to sleep.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic