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He caught her eyes. His gaze was firm. She sighed then moved towards where he sat at the dining table, the plate of stir-fry sitting on the table in front of him.

He pointed at her chair which he’d turned towards his. “Sit, sugar.”

“Daddy, its unhygienic to put your bare bottom on the furniture.”

“Nice try. Sit. Won’t tell you again.”

Needless to say, she sat. He forked up some food.

“Open up,” he cajoled. “I expect you to eat at least half of what is on your plate.”

She opened her mouth slightly and he placed the forkful of food between her lips.

“Now chew.” There was amusement in his voice.

She chewed.

“And swallow.”

She swallowed. Okay, that wasn’t actually that bad. He fed her another forkful.

“Baby, I know you’re nervous but you’re gonna have a great time. Sleepover, candy, playtime with your friends and I’m just a phone call away if you get scared or nervous or just need to hear my voice. And you can call me anytime. You know I won’t get upset by that.”

The last bit of tension eased out of her. She knew he wouldn’t. Jed was amazingly patient.

“Thanks, Daddy.” She turned her mouth away as he held up another forkful. “Full.”

She wasn’t really, but the plate was half-empty so she figured she was safe now. He looked from the plate to her. “Last forkful.”

Yep, having a daddy who saw everything could really suck.

He pushed the plate away when he was finished and grasped her around the waist. “Now, it’s Daddy’s turn to feast.”

She frowned slightly. “You just ate.”

“Not hungry for food.” He pulled her onto his lap again and took her mouth with his. And like she always did whenever he kissed her, she melted into him.

Then he lifted her, set her down on the table and pushed her legs wide as he turned his chair so he was facing her.

This was new as well. Normally she didn’t get big girl play after a spanking. Well, not a punishment spanking. Now, a spanking for fun, something he’d only just started doing, was a completely different kettle of fish.

“No complaints about how unhygienic this is?” he murmured.

She shook her head. “Not if this is going where I think it is.”

“Baby, this is definitely going where you think it is. Lie back.”

She lay back on the table as he pulled her hips to the edge. “Um, at the risk of you stopping, I thought there was no big girl play after a punishment spanking?”

“Special circumstances,” he muttered. “Won’t have you in my bed tonight. Which means I won’t be able to fuck you tonight, to wake you up tomorrow morning and make love to you while you’re still sleepy. Arms above your head. Don’t move them.”

She took in a sharp breath as he spread the lips of her pussy, just staring at her. She closed her eyes. Damn it, would he touch her already? Sometimes he liked things hard, fast, rough. Other times, he liked them slow.

She was guessing this was a slow time.

Not good for her when she was already wet for him. Wh

en her nipples were hard and pressing against her t-shirt. She wiggled her ass, wanting more.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic