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Daisy reached in and drew out a white nightgown that had pictures of candy canes on it. Awesome.

“Right, girls, listen up,” Clint boomed.

She jumped slightly. She was starting to get used to Clint’s blunt manner. Sort of. Kind of. He was a force to be reckoned with, but the way he treated Charlie went a long way to putting her more at ease with him.

“We have to talk about some rules.”

“The rule is there are no rules!” Charlie said, throwing her hands up in the air. She then commenced to do a victory dance which included a lot of booty shaking and her hands going everywhere. By the end of it, Daisy was smiling and both Abby and Ellie were laughing like loons.

She shifted around on her knees, aware of her throbbing bottom then glanced over at Jed who winked at her.

“There are always rules, little darling,” Clint said in a somber voice.

“Oh, man, that sucks, Daddy,” Charlie told him.

He just shook his head. “Without rules there would be anarchy.”

“But anarchy is fun.”

Surprisingly, it was Abby who said that. Clint gave her a mock-glare. “I see I need to have a word with my brother about how he takes care of you.”

“Oh, he takes care of me just fine.” Abby blushed as though just realizing what she said. Kent just shook his head and grinned at her.

“Right. Rules,” Clint said once more. “Rule one, nobody leaves the house without my permission. That includes all of you, but most especially you, Ellie.”

Ellie just sighed. “I don’t get lost that much.”

“Uh-huh.” Clint gave her a look of disbelief and Daisy dropped her head to hide her grin.

“Second rule. No loud noise after twelve a.m. I need my beauty sleep.”

“He does.” Charlie nodded solemnly. “You do not want to see him without his beauty sleep. It is not pretty.”

“Little girl, just because you’re getting to spend time with your friends does not mean you get to be cheeky.”

Charlie grinned, not looking in the least bit worried.

“Third rule.” He paused then smiled. “Have a wonderful time.” He looked at Ellie then winked. “Especially you, little bit.”

She smiled up at him. “Thanks, Clint.”

“Right, come on, we don’t get out of here we’re gonna get our man card taken off us. My study. Booze. Sports. Anything but rainbows and fairies,” he grumbled to the other guys. But he came up to C

harlie, pulled her close and whispered something to her that had her looking up at him like he was her whole world.

Jed came over and she climbed to her feet. He drew her towards him and cupped the side of her face with his hand. “You okay, sugar?”

“Yeah.” She let out a sigh. “I feel really good.”

“Not worried anymore?”

“Still worried a little. But I think I’m gonna have a good time.”

“I know you will. And you know I’m just a phone call away, okay?”

“I know, Daddy. Love you.”

“Love you, sugar. More every day.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic