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Jed and Daisy

She was going to vomit.

Without a doubt. Projectile vomit. Everywhere.

She took a deep breath. Then another. Her heart raced. Her skin broke out in a sweat. Here it came. . .

“Sugar, it’s just a stir-fry.”

“There are Brussels sprouts in it,” she said in horror. “Brussels sprouts, Daddy!”

Jed snorted and she looked up at him accusingly. “You cannot expect me to eat Brussels sprouts. There’s got to be some law against it!”

He raised an eyebrow. “You make it sound like I’m torturing you.”

She dropped her lower lip. Crossed her arms over her chest. “Yep. Torture by vegetables. Inhumane.”

Reaching over, he lightly tapped her nose. “Didn’t say you had to eat all of it. But you’re off to a party with your friends. Which means you’re gonna eat your weight in sugar. Before you go, you’re gonna have a healthy lunch.”

The lower lip dropped even further. “What if I promise to only eat half my weight in sugar?”

“You forget, I know what sort of food Charlie was preparing for your party. There isn’t a healthy thing among it. And once you get to the party with your friends, the last thing on your mind is gonna be watching how much sugar you eat. So, you’re gonna eat healthy now. Gorge later.”

She sighed.

He leaned forward this time to lightly drop a kiss on your lips. “I want you to have fun.”

She gave him a small smile.

“Gonna have more fun if you eat your veggies and don’t have to go to the party with a red bottom.”

While this was undoubtedly true, she figured that statement deserved a glare. To which she got one of his I-mean-business looks back.

She swallowed heavily. Okay, looked like it was beef stir-fry for lunch.

“And you’re to eat more than just the beef,” he grumbled.

“Daddy, you are no fun today.”

“Guess you’re lucky you’re off to a party then.”

She nibbled at her lip and kicked her feet back and forth against the rung of the chair. She had a piece of zucchini speared on her fork which she was absolutely not looking forward to putting in her mouth and therefore was searching for any reason not to put it in her mouth. So, she glanced over at Jed nervously.

“You think Ellie really wants me there?”

He glanced over at her questioningly. “Course she does.” He studied her face. As usual with Jed, he saw far more than she thought she was giving away. “You nervous, sugar?”

“A little,” she whispered. “I know that’s silly. Ellie, Charlie and Abby are my friends. I love them. I’ve never had friends like them. It’s just. . .” she bit her lip once more.

And again, he showed that he had special powers when it came to reading her mind. Pushing his chair back, he reached over and lifted her onto his lap so she was straddling him, her legs dangling off the sides of his wide thighs. He cupped her face, staring down into her eyes. “It’s just that this is a sleepover and you’re not sure how you feel about that?”

She glanced away. “I haven’t shown them my snuggly before. I mean, I know they all have their special soft toys but a snuggly is different. And what about my binky? Maybe I should leave it here?”

She still preferred to use her thumb rather than the binky that he insisted she use.

“Nice try, sugar. But no one is gonna care that you use a binky. You know these girls. You know they’d never make fun of you or judge you. And the dentist said the binky was better than sucking your thumb.”

She blushed bright red. “I can’t believe you asked him that.” Even weeks later she was still mortified.

He just chuckled and ran his hand up her thigh. “He has a baby girl of his own. No need to be so embarrassed.” He reached her pussy and stilled, frowning. “What’s this?”

“It’s panties, Daddy.”

“Let me rephrase that, what are you doing wearing these?”

“I know you think they’re the devil’s work, but most people actually wear them every day.”

“Never said they were the devil’s work, brat,” he rumbled. “But I did say that you weren’t to wear them when we were home, did I not?”

She nibbled her lip, feeling a little unsettled at his tone. “I can’t go to Ellie’s party without any panties on, Daddy!”

“Are you at the party now?”

She dropped her eyes from his. “No, Daddy.”

“Where are you?”

“At home.”

“So where should your panties be?”

“In my drawer upstairs.”


at’s right. And because they aren’t, even though you know the rules, you’re just earned yourself a spanking.”

“No, Daddy!” she cried out. “I can’t have a spanking before the party.”

“You think going to a party gets you out of punishment for being naughty?” he asked in that low voice.

“Well. Yes.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic