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“I invited Daisy to the cookout this weekend,” Ellie explained, seemingly oblivious to the fact that her man looked less than enthusiastic at that news.

“Ellie,” Bear rumbled.

Ellie frowned up at him. “Daisy doesn’t know anyone here; the cookout is a good opportunity to meet people.”

Bear’s eyebrows rose. “You know how Clint feels about strangers on the ranch.”

“I think he’ll be fine about Daisy coming.”

“It’s okay,” Daisy said. “I don’t have to come. I mean, I have lots of unpacking to do and I’ve got work and stuff. Thanks anyway.”



Both of them turned to look at her.

“Really. I don’t want to get you into any trouble,” she reassured Ellie.

“Oh, I’m used to getting into trouble,” Ellie said with a wink. “Makes life more interesting, right?”

Not in her experience, no.

“Besides, Clint just likes to grumble but he’s a big softie underneath.”

“Big softie, huh?” Bear said. “I’ll tell him that.”

Ellie didn’t seem worried at the threat. “Please come, Daisy. Really, I’d like you there.”

She glanced over at Bear, but he didn’t offer up any more protests.

“If you’re sure,” she said quietly.

“Of course, I am. Tell you what, why don’t I get one of the boys to come pick you up,” Ellie suggested.

“Ellie,” Bear said again. More silent conversation went on between the two of them.

“That’s okay,” Daisy told her. “I’d rather have my car with me.” In case she needed to make a quick getaway. Besides, she didn’t want to have to ride around with some stranger. Urgh.

Ellie looked disappointed for some reason, but then she plastered a big smile on her face. “I’ll text you the directions to the ranch if you like. Let me know when you’re gonna arrive so I can meet you at the gate.”

Bear just sighed.

“Now, let me show you around a bit. We put in central heating so you don’t need to worry about lighting the fire.”

Daisy followed after Ellie, listening carefully. She was making a new start at her life and she wanted it to be perfect.

* * *

“So, you want to tell me what that was about?” Bear asked as he pulled the truck away from the curb.

“What?” Ellie asked with false-innocence.

“Pretending not to understand is akin to lying in my book and you know where that will get you, don’t you, little girl?”

She stuck her lower lip out in a pout. Damn, she was beautiful, his girl. His love. His woman. His Little.

He reached over and took her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze, ever mindful of his strength and her delicateness.

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