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He gave her a wicked grin. “I didn’t think so.” He continued to play with her for what seemed like hours but in reality, was probably minutes.

“Please, Daddy, please. Please.” It was all she could say. Over and over. She was holding onto her control by the skin of her teeth.

He turned and met her gaze with his. “Remember, you’re not to close your eyes when you come. You look right at me.”

Oh God. How was she supposed to do that? And was he really going to watch her while she came?

He flicked his finger harder against her clit. Her body strained with the need to find release. “Come, little darling. I want you to come all over Daddy’s fingers. I want to hear you scream.”

She arched her back then remembered not to move her gaze from his. The first tremors of release rocked her. God it was hard to keep her eyes open and on him. She came, her passage clenching down on the bullet inside her, her cries filling the room.

Clint brought her down gently, patting her pussy lightly. He switched off the egg and slid it out of her slick pussy. He gazed down at her, loving the small smile on her face, how she was so utterly relaxed.

If he could, he’d keep her like this always.

Hmm, the idea definitely had merit.

Leaning in, he kissed her lightly. “Stay right there. I’m just going to go and get something to clean you up.”

When he returned with a warm, wet cloth, he slowly spread the lips of her pussy, cleaning her gently. Then he threw the cloth away before gathering her in his arms and pulling her close so they faced one another on the bed.


“Yes, baby?”

She brushed her hand against his hard erection and he had to bite back a groan. “Can I…do something for you?”

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Thank you, but this moment is all about you.”

“But isn’t it sore? I mean, I feel like I’m doing all the taking and giving nothing in return.”

He pulled back so he could stare down into her face. “This isn’t a tit-for-tat thing. You don’t always have to reciprocate.”

She appeared surprised. “I don’t?”

Damn. He bet this was one of Brian’s rules. He leaned in and kissed her. “You don’t. I wanted you to have some pleasure. Besides, all my dick wants is to bury itself in that plump pussy so it’s best for the moment that he just stays where he is.”

She giggled as he intended. “Does your dick have a personality all of his own?”

“He certainly does. Regular ol’ sergeant major, he is. Thinks he’s the boss. But he isn’t.”

“Oh, that must be hard, having to keep him under control.”

He sighed. “Baby, you have no idea.”

She giggled again and he smiled, tugging her close once more.


She glanced up as Clint walked into the living room. She’d been allowed to get dressed and come downstairs today. Although she suspected he’d make her take a nap later in the day. She turned the TV off as another man walked in behind him, carrying a black bag. He was slightly shorter than Clint and not as wide across the shoulders. His dark blond hair was cut short, his piercing blue eyes swept around the room, not missing a thing. He would have been extremely handsome if not for his fierce scowl.

“Charlotte, this is Doc.” Clint waved his hand at the frowning man. “Do you want to go up to the bedroom so you can check her over?”

She hadn’t been exaggerating yesterday when she said she hated doctor’s visits. And from what Ellie had told her, she knew Doc had a terrible bedside manner. But she needed his approval before Clint would let her go back to work.

Doc turned to glare at Clint. “Would have been easier if you’d brought her to the clinic like I told you to.”

“And I told you, that I pay you enough that you can do house calls. She’s not going out in the cold until I’m sure she’s a hundred percent.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic