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“And I think that’s why I…why I hoard food. There’s a part of me that worries about a time when I won’t have anything. Living in my car hasn’t helped.”

“Only this time, you damn near starved yourself so that you weren’t taking more than your due,” he said roughly.

She nodded. “Do you think I’m a freak?”

He tilted her chin up. “Is that what he said to you?”

She closed her eyes briefly then opened them with a nod. “Yes.”

Leaning in, he kissed her. It was a gentle kiss but he couldn’t stop himself. He needed to give her comfort however he could. “You are not a freak. And you will not be saying that about yourself again.”

She sighed. “Gonna need a list of all these rules.”

“There aren’t that many. And it’s really very simple. Honesty. Respect. No talking down about yourself. Tell Daddy everything. Don’t do anything that might put you in harm’s way. No walking around at night alone or in parts of the ranch that are off-limits. Don’t leave the ranch without telling me. See, simple.”

She gave him a skeptical look.

He kissed her nose. “And most importantly, don’t disobey Daddy. But you must stay with him forever.”

She smiled. Then that smile dimmed a little. “What are we going to do? What if I can’t stop?”

“We’ll figure it out, baby. But I can tell you that there will be no more skipping meals or snacks. That is a big rule.”

“See, you just added another one,” she pointed out.

“Brat,” he said affectionately. Then he grew serious. “I can’t be with you for every meal, unfortunately.”

“I don’t need you to keep constant watch over me. I can still be an adult.”

“I know you can. But you’re very precious to me and I can’t stand the thought of you risking your health by not eating. So, when I’m not around to keep a close eye on you, I want you to keep a food diary, all right? I want you to put down everything you eat in it and I’ll be checking it every night.”

“But you wouldn’t know if I’d really eaten or not.”

“A daddy knows when his little girl lies and that’s not allowed, is it?” he rumbled.

“No, Daddy.”

“Baby, if you keep feeling the urge to hoard food then we’ll need to consider professional help.”

She grimaced. “A shrink. I don’t know…”

“I know one who is in the lifestyle,” he told her, thinking that would make her feel better.

“You do?”

“Yeah, he’s Doc’s half-brother and he’s been dying to come out for a visit. Doc doesn’t want him here.”

“He doesn’t? Why not?”

“Apparently his brother wants to try and fix him. Could be amusing to watch.”

She giggled. “Daddy, that’s terrible.”

He winked at her. Then hugged her close. “I just want my little darling to be happy.”

She breathed out a sigh. “Clint, I know it might not seem like it since I just soaked your shirt, but being here in your arms makes me happy.”

“Good. Then I’m doing my job right.” He stood up and carried her back to bed, laying her down then lying next to her and pulling her against him, so her head rested on his chest once more.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic