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of me.”

She let out a pained noise. Time for some medicine.

He pulled back the covers, noting the way she shivered despite how warm the room was. After Doc left, he’d removed her shirt and bra and dressed her in one of his t-shirts. He wondered what sort of pajamas she preferred. Something with Disney princesses? Or cute animals? He’d have to find out.

He gently rolled her onto her side facing away from him. He stripped off her panties. Ellie was going to bring her over some clean ones once she’d gotten dinner under control. He threw them away. He’d pick them up later. Then he curled her legs up against her chest and pulled the shirt up over her bottom. He tried not to let his gaze linger on her gorgeous ass. He was meant to be taking care of her. Not ogling her.

That could come later. When he’d make certain she knew what he wanted. Then one of the first things he’d do was spread her wide and take in his full. He’d shave off the small patch of curls covering her pussy so he could see, touch, and taste everything. He had to take a deep breath. Later, Clint. She needs care, not you lusting after her.

He parted her white cheeks, taking a moment to stare at her puckered entrance. She made a protesting noise.

“Sh. This is for your own good, little darling. This is the way I usually give medicine. And take your temperature, which I’ll be doing regularly to ensure your good health.”

He knew many people wouldn’t understand his needs, but Clint hadn’t grown up caring what others think. This is why his great-great-grandfather had established this ranch. So that people who wanted a different sort of relationships could have a place to come and be accepted.

He grabbed the packet of suppository acetaminophen and pulled one out of its wrapping. Then he parted her cheeks again and pressed the small, white bullet into her bottom. He kept the tip of his finger against her hole in case she was inclined to push it back out as little girls were often inclined to do. But she let out a sigh and relaxed. He smiled and patted her hip.

“That’s a good little girl. You just rest and let Daddy take care of everything. From now on, you’re going to be well looked after. I can promise you that.”

There was a knock on the door. “One moment,” he called out quietly.

He rolled her onto her back and tucked the covers around her. She didn’t even make a murmur. He moved over to the door and opened it, stepping outside and closing it behind him so as not to disturb her. He needed a monitor for her.

“How is she?” Ellie asked worriedly. Bear stood behind her, looming over his petite girlfriend. They were complete opposites in so many ways yet completely suited to one another.

Bear held a bag in his hand.

“She’s still sleeping off the sedative. Her hand isn’t bad but she’s exhausted. I think she’s lost weight.”

Ellie bit at her lip worriedly.

“Hey, little one,” he said. “She’ll be all right now. I’m going to keep a close eye on her.”

“I don’t think she does so well on her own, Clint. And she’s really not good at asking for help. The other night she couldn’t light her fire and instead of calling me and Bear for help, she was just going to sleep in a cold cabin all night.”

What the hell?

“Luckily, we stopped by after dinner to check in with her and noticed how cold things were, aye, Bear?”

The big man nodded but he gave Clint a disapproving look. Yeah, he got it.

Clint sighed. “I’ve messed up. I should have been keeping a closer eye on her. I should have known something was going on. I definitely will be from now on. She’s my responsibility not yours.”

“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say you were wrong.” Ellie gaped at him in shock. “She’s not a responsibility to me. She’s my friend. I really like her. I don’t think she’s had an easy life and she finds it hard to trust in people. I just want to make sure you’re not going to be too hard on her.”

He frowned, unsure of what she meant. “What do you mean, too hard on her?”

“I’m sure she wasn’t stealing from you,” Ellie said in an almost desperate voice. She started to wring her hands together. “I’m sure she had her reasons for hiding all that food…” her voice trailed off as Bear wrapped an arm around her, pulling her back against his side. The big man sent him a look, telling him he better step in and stop Ellie from worrying.

“You found food in her room?”

Ellie chewed on her lower lip. “Yes, and I think it came from the kitchen. I’m sure she had a good reason—”

“Ellie, I’m not worried about the food. What did you find?”

“I didn’t mean to pry or anything, but her bed wasn’t made and I know what a neat-freak she is so I thought I would change the sheets for her. I banged my toe against one of the cans.”

“How much is there?” he asked with a frown. What the hell was going on?

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic