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He couldn’t believe there was no one else the agency could send. At least not for another two weeks. He didn’t have that long. If the men had to suffer through Ellie’s cooking much longer, they’d either walk off the job or they’d all be down with food poisoning. Besides, it wasn’t fair to make Ellie and Allan do all the cooking. It was supposed to be a temporary measure. Until the new cook arrived.

The new, male cook.

What the hell would he do with an unattached female? This went against everything he believed in. Every woman who lived here had a guardian to watch over her. See to her care.

This woman would have no one.

He shook his head. It wouldn’t work. And even if he did assign her a guardian, it didn’t mean she would accept their lifestyle. That she would obey the rules. All of the men here, from his ranch hands to the men who worked for JSI, shared the same views. That the man should be the head of the household. They set the rules and enforced them. Not that any man would ever raise a hand to a woman, Clint would deal with any asshole who dared do that himself. And it wouldn’t be pretty.

The women came first. Always. Their safety, health and happiness. And he thought it was safe to say that the women living here were some of the most cherished, protected and spoiled in the state of Montana.

But they also had strict rules to follow to ensure their safety and any infraction was generally dealt with by a trip over their guardian’s knee. There wasn’t any harm in a spanking. And if it meant that next time their woman hesitated to disobey an order given for their safety then it was well worth it in the minds of the men who lived here.

Many people wouldn’t understand and he wouldn’t have anyone creating problems, and upsetting their women.

Not that this female seemed the type to upset anyone. If anything, he thought she was almost too timid and fragile to survive out here. He frowned as he recalled what she’d been wearing. He got that it was the fashion trend to wear ripped jeans, and don’t get him started on that, but that sort of clothing was impractical on the ranch. Did she even have proper boots or a jacket?

He opened his office door and strode into the living room. She sat perched on the edge of the sofa as though ready to bolt at any moment. Her long, dark-blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Her sweatshirt was huge, it went down nearly to her knees, making her look like a little girl wearing her daddy’s shirt.

His breath caught at the thought and he had to shake it off. Stupid. Just because she was dressed in an oversized shirt didn’t mean anything. It certainly didn’t mean she was a Little. Very few women would want what he did in a relationship and he knew it was unlikely he’d ever find someone special who would fulfill that part of him.

Especially, as Kent liked to point out, because he rarely left the ranch nor made the time to socialize. It was foolish to think this female might have a Little side. But there was something about the way she held herself.

No, he had to be imagining things. She was just timid. A bit shy.

She would be totally unsuited for life here. Even for just a few weeks. Even if he could find her a guardian. Nope, never going to work.

“Ms. Paulson, I—”

She jumped up with a gasp, her face pale. She swayed slightly and he jumped forward, afraid she was going to faint dead away. But she pulled herself together before he got there, firming her shoulders.

“Are you all right?” he asked gruffly. Of course, she’s not all right, you’ve been growling at her since she got here. No wonder she was jumpy.

“Sorry, I was daydreaming and didn’t hear you.”

He didn’t think that was all of it. She still looked a bit too pale for his liking and now that he was paying more attention to her, he could see the dark smudges under her green eyes. Her skin had a sallow tone to it, as though she’d been recently ill. Yet none of that detracted from how gorgeous she was.

How had he not noticed before?

Because you were too focused on the fact that she’s a woman. She stared at him, obviously waiting for him to say something. She clenched her hands together so tight her fingers were white. He should say something reassuring. He needed to channel some of Kent’s charm and put her at ease.

“You shouldn’t be daydreaming while you’re in a stranger’s house,” he found himself reprimanding her.

Smooth, Romeo.


“You’re all alone with a strange man. I could have done anything to you and nobody would be able to hear you. You should be on your guard. You should have heard me the minute I walked into the room.”

She stared at him in shock then her gaze narrowed and her shoulders went back. Okay, maybe not as timid as he’d first thought. “Are you saying you plan to attack me?”

“Of course not. But not everyone is me.”

“Thank God for that,” she muttered.

Strangely, he found himself amused by her. But this was an important lesson he was imparting and he couldn’t let her think that he took it lightly.

“You’re a woman on your own, you must protect yourself. Next time, remain aware.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic