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“And the men we hire all share our beliefs in how women should be looked after.”

She frowned. “What beliefs?”

“We believe a man should be the head of the household,” Clint told her bluntly.

She blinked. “What?”

“We take the care of our women seriously,” Kent spoke in a gentle voice. “Like I said, life can be harsh. We want our women well protected. Safety is important. Their health and happiness are uppermost in our minds at all times. All the men here would do their best to protect any of the women who live here if they had to.”

“That all sounds rather…unreal,” she said in a soft voice.

“Do you know anything about BDSM?” Kent asked her.

“A little bit,” she said cautiously.

“What do you know?” Clint asked her. “Have you ever been involved with a Dom?” He didn’t like that idea. Which was stupid. She was allowed to have a past. And it would be easier for them if she had some experience.

She blushed slightly. “No. All that I know is from the books I’ve read.”

“So, it interests you then,” Kent observed.

Alarm filled her face. “Are you saying I need to have a Dom if I want to work here?”

“Not at all,” Kent soothed. “Not every man here is a Dom. But all of the women here have a guardian. Someone who makes the rules.”

“And enforces them,” Clint told her.

“So, I need a guardian then?” She licked her lips nervously.

“That’s why this situation is unique,” Kent told her. “A guardian would usually be a family member, most often a husband.”

“And I don’t have that,” she said sadly. She stood. “I’ll leave as quickly as I can.” She looked out the window at the darkness and shivered slightly. She bit her lip. “Do you think someone could walk me to my car?”

“You’re scared of the dark?” Clint guessed.

She squared her shoulders. “No.” She took a step away from the table.

“Sit down, Charlie,” Kent told her, firming his voice.

She froze, turned to gape at him before slipping back into her seat. She obviously hadn’t expected the order to come from Kent. His brother could be sneaky. All charm on the outside, but that hid his dominant core. It was possible he was even more strict than Clint was.


“You just lied, little girl,” Clint said in a low voice.

She flicked a nervous glance from Kent to Clint. Then she cleared her throat.

“What did I warn you about lying to me?” he asked.

“Y-you can’t be serious?” she said in a high voice. He shot Kent a look and he nodded. The other man had heard the tone to her voice. Satisfaction filled him. He was certain he was right about her needs.

Too bad you can’t have her.

Fuck it.

“You can’t do that to me.” She tried to give him a

firm look, but she couldn’t meet his gaze for long.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic