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What kind of father would say that to his little girl? He’d never say that to his girl, big or small.

“So why didn’t you wait for me to come back to take you to the toilet? From now on, you don’t go anywhere without my help, understand?”

“What if you’re not here?” She was blushing bright red. It was pretty cute.

“I won’t be far away.”

She opened her mouth and he put up his hand to still any more arguments. “And if I have to go out for longer or you’re worried about not being able to hold on, well, we’ll sort something out. I’m sure I could fashion some sort of diaper.”

He hid his smile at her shocked gasp. He probably shouldn’t have said that. He half-expected her to slap him or tell him he was a sick asshole, instead she just gaped at him.

“I don’t think so!”

“Let’s get you on the toilet and then back to bed.” He glanced from her to the toilet. Grabbing her before had been a necessity, but he didn’t want to frighten her.

“Do I have your permission to help you?”

She stared up at him in confusion. “You just threatened to put me in a diaper and told me I better not get out of bed without your help and now you’re asking my permission to help me?”

He grimaced. “Yeah, well, I don’t want you moving without help. I can’t risk you hurting yourself further. But I also know you’re scared of me and I don’t want to just grab you.”

“I’m not scared of you.” She looked at him in surprise.

“You shied away from me earlier.”

“You gave me a fright. And you are big. And a stranger. But I don’t think someone who is out to hurt me would be upset at the idea I might fall and harm myself. Or have held me while I vomited.”

“You don’t know that, little miss,” he told her. “I could still have an ulterior motive. You shouldn’t be so trusting.”

“Are you trying to talk me out of trusting you?”

What was he doing? He sighed. “You can trust me. But I don’t want you to think that just because a stranger is kind that he is a good person.”

She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall. Seemed she really did trust him if she was willing to take her gaze off him. Or maybe she was just in that much pain.

“I know I’m too trusting and naïve. I’ve been told that over and over.”

Who told her that? He didn’t like the sad note to her voice.

“Nothing wrong with being naïve and trusting, so long as you have someone to watch over you and make sure you’re not taken advantage of,” he told her gruffly.

She opened her eyes with a small smile, but he could see how pale she was, her mouth was pinched. She was in a lot of pain and he was here lecturing her on trusting people.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone like that?” she said wistfully.

“Ellie, do I have your permission to take care of you while you’re here? I promise I won’t take advantage in any way.”

Her gaze met his. “I have a choice?”

He sighed. “Not really. Snow’s still coming down hard and I can tell you’re in a lot of pain. You’re not up to looking after yourself right now and I’m all you’ve got. Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” She reached up a hand and patted her cheek. “I’ve never had anyone take care of me before. Might not know you…but it’s kind of nice.”

She was fading fast, her energy completely depleted.

“So, you’re okay with me taking care of you as I see fit?”

She gave him a suspicious look. “You’re not going to diaper me, are you?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic