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“You are not up to anything much at the moment, and I’m not going to risk your health. I also don’t want to take advantage of you. So, nothing is going to happen right now. Later, if you want it to, we’ll see.”

So, it wasn’t an absolute no. And he said he was attracted to her.

“All right,” she agreed.


“Is that why you offered to do this? Because you’re attracted to me? I mean, I’m guessing it’s not that you’ve fallen instantly in love with me.”

He grinned. “No instant love.”

“I don’t…I’m not looking for anything permanent.” She didn’t want to go into this without making that clear.

“Neither am I,” he said simply. “Like I said, this lasts for as long as we are here.”

That should have been a relief. For some reason, it wasn’t. “I feel like agreeing to his wouldn’t be fair to you. What would you be getting in return?”

He just stared at her, studied her like she was some weird species of bug he’d just discovered. “Not fair to me?”

The balance wasn’t even. It felt wrong just to take from him without giving him something in return.

“Umm, yeah. You’ve been so amazing, rescuing me, taking care of me. If I can pay you back in any way, I will. I don’t have any money, I’m afraid, so I can’t offer to pay you…. but once I have a job…” the thunderous look on his face made her trail off. She licked her lips nervously. She wasn’t scared of him exactly, but he did look rather intimidating right now.

“You, umm, look a little mad.”

“Do I? Maybe it’s just because you offered to pay me for taking care of you. Do you think I work for you?”

“No. I didn’t mean it like that.” Misery swamped her. “I’m sorry. I’m not very good at talking to people. I don’t have friends anymore. My last boyfriend was when I was seventeen. I’m pretty damn pathetic really. Maybe you could do me a huge favor and forget we ever had this conversation.”


; Nope. That wasn’t happening. He especially wasn’t going to forget the part where she’d said she was attracted to him. His cock was hard and pressing against his zipper. How had she not had a boyfriend since high school? He had her pegged at around twenty-three. Were the men in Florida blind? She was gorgeous. Sweet. And submissive. How had some Dom not snapped her up? She should be completely and utterly cherished for the gift she was.

Someone else’s loss is your gain.

Nope. He couldn’t think like that. Neither of them was looking for something permanent. He’d only known her a short time. He felt protective of her because she was so helpless, that was all. He couldn’t stand the idea of her being taken advantage of and he couldn’t stand to think about that happening again.

How had she thought he wouldn’t get anything out of this?

Because she doesn’t understand, dumb ass.

He sat back in the armchair. “Your objection to doing this is that you think I won’t get anything in return?”

“I-I guess so. I mean, I’m also a little nervous. I don’t know how I’ll react to any of this.”

He nodded. “That’s totally understandable. I get that. Which is why you’d have a safe word.”

“A safe word? I’d need that?” She looked alarmed.

“Easy, honey,” he told her with a smile. “Not because I’m going to strip you naked, tied you up and spank you. You’re definitely not up to that. And I would never risk your health, understand?”

“Yes. So why would I need a safe word?”

“Because this is new to you and you might find it overwhelming and need some way to make it stop. Littles can easily get out of their depths. It’s a big scary world sometimes when you don’t have a daddy to guide and protect you.”

Tears filled her eyes. “You know exactly what to say, don’t you?”

“I’m being sincere, little girl. I haven’t had many Littles in my life. Most women are scared by my size. And my sometimes abrupt manner.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic