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“Eat your oatmeal.”

“Nobody can get in here,” Aleki grumbled. He scratched at his side, pulling up his T-shirt.

Holy shit balls. What was it with all the abs this morning? She couldn’t cope. Then she saw Aleki’s cheeky grin.

Asshole was doing it on purpose.

“Eat your oatmeal,” Wolfe commanded.

“I can feed myself, you know.”

“Hush, Genevieve. Eat.”

“I don’t want oatmeal. I want cake.”

“Cake is not a breakfast food,” Wolfe told her.

“It is in Europe,” she countered.

“We’re not in Europe.”

“So if we were in Europe, I could have cake for breakfast?” she asked.

“No, if we were in Europe, you could have oatmeal. Oatmeal is good for you.”

“Says who? It’s just rolled oats and milk.”

“It’s on the list.” Wolfe set down the bowl of oatmeal and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

“What’s that?” she asked suspiciously.

“This is a list of food you should be eating in order to build up your strength and improve your health. Oatmeal is on the list.”

He turned it around and pointed to where oatmeal was listed. Damn it.

“Eggs are on there too. I could have eggs.”

“You can. Once you poop. Have you pooped?”

She gaped at him for a moment, feeling her cheeks grow red. Then she looked at Caleb and Aleki, both of those jerks were biting their lips and couldn’t meet her gaze. Aleki was jolting the bed, he was shaking so hard with suppressed laughter.

“I really don’t think that’s a question I need to answer,” she said primly.

“Do you want to poop?”

“I don’t know that anyone ever actually wants to poop,” she countered. “It’s just something you have to do.”

“Exactly. And if you want to leave here, you need to be peeing regularly and pooping. Oatmeal will help you with that. Do you want to leave here?”

“Well, yes, of course, but—”

“Then you’ll eat your oatmeal.” Wolfe grabbed the bowl once more and spooned some up for her.

She sighed and took the spoonful. Damn, that was some weird logic right there.

“To pooping,” Aleki cheered before he burst into big guffaws of laughter.

Caleb held out. For all of five seconds. Before he joined them.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Erotic