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Caleb and Aleki stared at each other.

“Truth is, I always have,” Caleb muttered.

Aleki shrugged. “I want to stay angry with her. Distant. I told myself she couldn’t be trusted. But she’s in trouble and we don’t know why.”

“We can’t stay here forever,” Wolfe countered.

Caleb frowned. “Maybe we should take her home with us.”

“Fuck,” Wolfe muttered. “How’d I know you were gonna say that?”

Caleb sighed. “I can’t walk away from her, Wolfe. She’s still my friend.”

But this wasn’t just about friendship. Nope, it was about something far, far more potent. And with the power to destroy them all.


Vivi watched as Aleki slept on the sofa across the room. He was twisted up on the tiny two-seater, his legs hanging over the edge, his arm over his eyes.

He looked uncomfortable as fuck.

Reaching over, she pinched her arm. Not a dream. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop. For them to tell her that they had some other reason for being here. That had nothing to do with her.

The door opened and Wolfe walked in, carrying a tray of food. He seemed to have designated himself as the person-who-must-fatten-Vivi-up.

It was kind of weird.

She’d never realized he was this interested in food.

She held a finger to her mouth as he went to talk then she pointed at Aleki. He nodded as he saw the other man was sleeping. He slid silently over to the table and set down the tray. Damn, he moved like a ghost. It was impressive and a bit scary.

Turning, he crept over to Aleki then leaned in and shouted, “Wake up!”

She let out a startled cry as Aleki quickly jumped up.

Aleki was instantly on alert, staring around as though searching for an enemy as Wolfe calmly grabbed a chair and pulled it over to her bedside, before sitting and grabbing the bowl of oatmeal. He stirred it, blowing on it occasionally.

“Wolfe, what the fuck!” Aleki roared.

“Wolfe, that wasn’t very nice,” she scolded.

Wolfe raised his eyebrows at her. “Since when did I claim to be nice?”

Well, she guessed that was true.

“Why would you do that? You gave me a fucking heart attack!” Aleki snapped.

“You were sleeping on the job.” Wolfe kept stirring the oatmeal.

Yuck. She didn’t want oatmeal. She didn’t really want anyt

hing. But if she had to eat, she’d rather have cake.

“I wasn’t sleeping on the job.” Aleki glared at Wolfe.

“What’s going on? Everything okay?” Caleb walked in, his hair up on end, yawning. He stretched and she got a glimpse of his abs when his T-shirt rose up.


Tags: Laylah Roberts Erotic