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So you know that beautiful, truly sensitive soul* we all fell for in last month’s ten-hankie weeper? Turns out, he’s an idiot. I know, I’m just as shocked as you. At this very moment I’m ripping his posters off my bedroom walls, and when I’m done burning the pillowcase with his face on it, I’m changing my Twitter icon back to a pic of my cat. Maybe after reading this, you’ll consider doing the same.

In a recent interview with a splashy mag this blogger j’adores, this is how Prince Not-So-Charming described his idea of the perfect girl:

“A girl who will watch you play video games for four hours, and then have incredible sex with you—that’s the girl you should date.”

For those of you thrilled to just sit back and watch while your boy fiddles with his joystick for hours on end, I’ve got just the guy for you!

For the rest of us with a brain, standards, and a desire to play our own game, let’s all take a vow to stop making dumb people famous, k?

*The first ten peeps who correctly guess the name of this week’s horny but clueless celebutard win a place on the guest list at Jewel this coming weekend. Spill it in the comments!

Layla frowned as she skimmed her post. The story was secondhand, gleaned from a fashion mag. Not the kind of writing she envisioned when she’d decided to strike out on her own. But how was she supposed to go after the celebrities who’d started frequenting Jewel? Now that she was writing for her own blog, she couldn’t exactly trash them when she needed them to help her stay in the game.

As for the exposé she promised Mateo—the sordid nightclub scene he’d warned her about proved to be nothing more than a bunch of kids, some famous, some not, all trying to enjoy their weekends and have a good time. Not exactly a crime.

Her phone chimed as Mateo’s gorgeous face appeared on the screen.

“Y’almostdone?” He spoke so quickly the words ran together.

“Still working.” She sipped her latte and scowled at her laptop.

“We need to be at the restaurant in twenty.”

Layla squinted, having no idea what he was talking about.

“Valentina’s birthday,” he said, addressing her silence. “I guess you forgot.”

She closed her eyes. Guilty as charged.

When she failed to confirm either way, he said, “You’re still going, right?”

She sighed, hating what she was about to say. “You know I have to be at Jewel.”

“What I know is you promised Valentina you’d go to her party.”

Had she really done that? Probably. From the moment she’d gotten drunk and kissed Tommy, she’d agreed to almost everything having to do with Mateo or his family.

“That was back when I thought I was getting fired,” she admitted.

“Well, you explain that to Valentina. She’s going to be crushed.”

Layla rolled her eyes. She was getting tired of his guilt trips. “Laying it on a little thick, don’t you think? All her friends will be there—she won’t even notice I’m missing.”

“I’ll notice. My mom will notice. And in case you haven’t noticed, my sister idolizes you.”

“Well, maybe that’s her first mistake.” Layla angrily crushed the sides of her still-half-full cup. She should apologize. Take it all back. But part of her was daring Mateo to call her on her crap. She certainly deserved it for bailing on Valentina, never mind for the things he didn’t know about.

“You know, you’re only a couple weeks into this job and it’s already happening—you’re changing and you can’t even see it.”

She frowned. “Pretty sure the blog I just wrote proves I’m hardly the celebrity worshipper you accuse me of being.”

“Maybe not, but you’re so focused on that world, you’re losing sight of the people who matter.”

“That’s not true, I . . .”

Tags: Alyson Noel Beautiful Idols Young Adult