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I looked at him, saw that big, unbearable discussion sitting right there in his eyes, causing me to shake my head and wave it away.

No way, José.

No way would we talk about him and Jasmine and whatever they meant to each other.

It was stupid.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

He’d just turned fifteen. I was still twelve.

There was absolutely nothing to talk about.

I picked up the pace, finding my way to the other side of the gate. Knowing it probably wasn’t the most mature way to respond, but heck, it was better than a tantrum, and at least that was a start.

There was no doubt I still had a lot to learn. But there was also no doubt that I’d eventually get there. Sooner rather than later, that was for sure. I finally understood how it all worked.

Thanks to Balthazar, Ever, and Bodhi, the puzzle was complete—they had each donated a piece.

I had to channel my emotions—tend to the fire within so it wouldn’t blaze out of control.

I had to ask for help when I needed it, tackle only the assignments that were given to me, and instead of focusing on how I would benefit from convincing the lost souls to cross over—I had to focus on how crossing them over would benefit them.

I had to quit focusing on being eternally stuck as a flat-chested, twelve-year-old kid—and instead see myself as the mature and confident teen I wanted to be.

I had to be patient, be a good friend—I had to be happy being me.

Arranging those items in a neat little list in my head, I couldn’t help but smile at how good it felt to finally have a plan.

And even though I was still walking fast, there was no outrunning Bodhi when he was in one of his more determined moods.

He caught up to me, grasped my elbow again, and said, “Riley, listen, the other thing can wait, that’s fine. Though I do need to know if we can leave now, or if there’s anything you need to do first. Anyone you need to check in with, before we take off?”

I looked at him, staring into those deep green eyes. “What do you mean? Are we going somewhere?”

Seeing the way his face broke into a smile as he picked up a stick, tossed it high into the air, laughing as Buttercup leaped into the sky and flew after it.

Turning to me, a ghost of a smile still haunting his lips when he said, “I spoke with Aurora. The Council is sending us to Italy. Apparently there’s a very stubborn ghost that’s been haunting the Colosseum for several centuries. And since they know you’ve been itching for a challenge, they figured it was the perfect Soul Catch for you.”

also by alyson noël






Blue Moon


Dark Flame

Night Star

Tags: Alyson Noel Riley Bloom Fantasy