Page 29 of Win Some, Lose Some

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Kneeling on the hard tile floor of the hallway in front of my locker, I slowly began to take everything out of it. One class at a time, I placed the correct textbook, associated folder, and spiral notebook next to each other. Once a set was in, I straightened them exactly, wishing I had a level with me and wondering if I could afford to get a small one at the hardware store to keep in my locker.

With all my attention on the contents of the locker, I blocked all sights and sounds coming from the hallway and the people around me.

I sat back a little on my heels and looked at what I had done. One of the folders had the edge of a paper sticking out the top, so I took everything out, fixed the paper, and started all over again. By the time I was done repeating the process for the third time, I looked up, and the school nurse was beside me with a cell phone held up to her ear.

“…completely non-responsive…yes, if you could, I think that would be for the best…”

She ended the call and looked down at me. I blinked a few times and saw Mayra Trevino over on the other side of the hallway with her back pressed up against the opposite row of lockers. She had her hand covering her mouth, and I wasn’t sure, but I thought there might be tears in her eyes. Principal Monroe was there and a couple other faculty members too. There wasn’t anyone else in the hallway, and I realized that first period must have already started.

I was late.

If someone was late to class, they always got a tardy slip. I’d never gotten a tardy slip before. Would it go on my record? Would it be seen on my college applications?

Shit, shit, shit.

I looked back down at the floor. I had no idea what I was supposed to do at this point. I didn’t understand why there were people standing around me or why Mayra looked so upset. I wanted to get up and go ask her, but I didn’t know what to say.

I felt a cold hand on my arm and I jumped, which caused me to bang the opposite shoulder against the locker door. As I rubbed against the sore spot, I glanced up to see Travis coming down the hallway.

“Hey, dude,” he said as he walked toward me. He gave me half a smile and looked over to the principal and the nurse. “I got him—just give us some space, okay?”

I saw the others take a few steps backwards, but I mostly watched Principal Monroe as he walked up to Mayra and told her to go on to class.

“No!” she said. “I want to make sure he’s all right!”

“Miss Trevino, Matthew’s got his uncle here with him now. You move along.”

“Not until I know he’s all right!” She was insistent.

“It’s okay.” Travis walked over to them both. “I think Matthew wouldn’t mind if s

he sticks around a minute. Might be better for him.”

The principal gave Travis a weird look before shrugging and moving over to talk quietly with the nurse. Travis crouched down next to me.

“You with me, dude?”

“Yes,” I said quietly.

“You want Mayra to stay?”

“No,” I replied.

Travis looked surprised.

“Why not?”

“I don’t know what to say to her.”

“Why don’t you start with hello? Then you could see where it goes from there.”


“You sure?” he asked.

“No,” I said again and then sighed. “I’m late for class.”

“Not a problem, dude,” Travis said. “You want to go there now?”

Tags: Shay Savage Romance