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Did I mention I love Shakespeare? Yeah, I know. I’m a walking contradiction. According to the Bard—“some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Somehow, I got all three.

Now how is anyone supposed to live up to that?


An injured Roman Tribunus finds comfort in the touch of the slave commanded to tend to his wounds. As a slave, her value is measured as a couple of coins, but as Tribunus Faustus learns more about her, he begins to understand her true worth. Still, a man of his station can never acknowledge feelings for a slave, and she is already owned by another man.


Safe and comfortable. That about sums up Chloe’s life. Meeting a tall, dark stranger covered in tattoos is not in her plans. Bad boys just aren’t her type—even if they are gorgeous and built like a brick wall. Her internal alarms warn her that Aiden Hunter is definitely on the list of men her mother told her to avoid, but she doesn’t listen. Instead, she finds herself drawn to Aiden and the excitement he promises.

Near the beach in Miami, he occupies her days with thrills and her nights with passion she’s never experienced before. She knows he’s hiding something from her, but Chloe pushes away her concerns and embraces this new way of living.

As Aiden teaches her to live life to the fullest, Chloe battles the internal warnings that tell her to be wary. By the time she realizes her fears may be justified, it’s too late.

Aiden’s past is catching up to him, but is he the hunter or the hunted?


A woman hunted by human traffickers.

A hot and dangerous bodyguard.

Utter destruction.

The end of civilization.

The beginning of a new form of currency.

Women are now the highest COMMODITY.


I awaken in a laboratory.

I don’t know who I am.

I’m inexplicably drawn to the doctor who cares for me. She tells me I’ve been altered, that I’m stronger and faster, that I’ll be a key component in a war that has all humanity at stake. She says I volunteered for th

is. She says I volunteered to be transformed, but I have no way of knowing if what she says is true.

Something isn’t right. My memories have been taken, wiped clean, but dreams begin to slip into my conscious mind. I can’t let anyone know when that happens, or they’ll remove my memories again. Somewhere inside of me, I know I need to remember something important.

I’m fighting a war I don’t understand, and the one woman I rely on can’t be trusted.

Judging Books

The debutante path is a fairly straight track: who you are, who you associate with, and whose label you are wearing become priorities. They define you. They are the aspects by which you are judged.

Ashlyn’s world has been one of enlightenment and finesse, and now she is ready to take on the financial world at her father’s company just as he had always planned. Her future had been scripted long ago, but a chance meeting with a beautiful boy on a bicycle gives Ashlyn a new outlook on life.

Ethan is far too young, far too tattooed, far too pierced—just far too everything—to ever fit into her world. He has issues, too—major ones. Ashlyn knows he will never be accepted by her friends, let alone her overbearing father, but there is something about his live-in-the-moment outlook that keeps drawing her back into his arms.

Ashlyn must make a choice. Can she forgo the family dynasty and live life to the fullest with this fascinating but damaged young man?


I’m not exactly the social type. After spending most of my formative years in prison, I prefer an isolated existence in the wilderness of Canada’s Northwest Territories, making what little cash I need guiding tourists to the best hunting grounds. I have no desire for company; I crave solitude instead, especially during the subarctic winter months, but what am I supposed to do when I come across a woman in distress? I can’t just leave her to die in the cold, and a storm is on the way.

Tags: Shay Savage Romance