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The day before, I had tried in vain to get him to recognize pictures I’d drawn in the dirt. I drew pictures in the sandy ground, but he just stared at me, completely oblivious. He just doesn’t seem to have the capacity for any kind of language. Eventually, I had given up.

I’d taught him to say kiss, or at least something that was vaguely recognizable as the word. I don’t think he actually understands that the word means bringing our lips together, but he has figured out that he can use it to get my attention. Names he understands and uses appropriately, but nothing else. I feel like I’ve just taught a dog to run to the door when the word walk is used, but that dog doesn’t understand the actual meaning of the sound in relation to the activity. Ehd is the same way.

“I wonder if I could teach you to make other sounds?” I run my finger over his lips. “If you can say names and kiss, maybe you can say other words.”

I consider which word to teach him for a moment and then feel myself smile.

“Ehd?” I say softly. He looks up at me with bright eyes.

“Beh!” he replies.

“Yes, I’m Beh.” I giggle. “I’m Beh and you’re Ehd. And you know what? Beh loves Ehd.”

Ehd just looks at me with adoration that makes my skin tingle.

“Beh loves Ehd,” I say again, running my finger over his mouth and then his nose.

Ehd suddenly sneezes, and I laugh as he rubs furiously at his nose. With bright eyes, Ehd grabs me and rolls me to my back. He’s on top of me a half second later, pressing his mouth against mine. We roll again until I’m straddling him, and I reach down to capture his hands with mine. I place them over my breasts and rise up on my knees so I can grab his shaft and position it.

I drop down over him, feeling

his cock filling me as I moan and Ehd grunts. I move up and down on top of him for a minute before he grabs my hips and flips me over. His steady motions are the perfect rhythm, and it isn’t long before I’m crying out his name. A moment later, Ehd groans as he fills me, and I pant beneath him.

Though I’ve taught Ehd a few other positions, he is definitely a top man.

Ehd shifts us to our sides, and I reach out to touch his face.

“Beh loves Ehd,” I say again as he stares at my mouth. I brush my fingers over his lips. “Beh loves Ehd.”

Ehd stares at me with a furrowed brow as I keep repeating the words.

“Loves,” I say. “Loves. Loves. Loves.”

Ehd reaches out and wets his lips with his tongue, watching me intently. He places his tongue behind his teeth.

“Lll…” He shakes his head once.

“Loves.” I say the sounds slowly, exaggerating the shape of my mouth and the position of my tongue as he tries to copy me.




“That’s it!” I squeal and grab his hand as tears fill my eyes. “You did it, Ehd!”

He looks at me with bright eyes, apparently glad he has pleased me, even if he hasn’t the slightest idea why.

“Beh loves Ehd,” I say.

“Luhffs!” He wraps his arms around me and holds me close to him.

My heart beats quickly as I hug him tightly. Maybe he doesn’t understand the word, but my heart still warms to hear him say it.

Words or not, I know Ehd loves me as much as I love him.


Tags: Shay Savage Romance