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“Trey, I’ve been calling your phone for the past hour, but you didn’t answer,” she says solemnly.

“I know, Shay was attacked, and I left my phone in Kingston’s car. We came in to get her checked, isn’t that why you’re here? Where’s Dad? I want to tell him the full story.”

She looks down, causing the tears that were wavering in her eyes to come falling down. She’s playing with her wedding ring before she brings her hands to lay them over her heart.

Lifting her head again, she sobs. “Trey…your father was in an accident, he’s in a coma.”

Just like that, those eleven simple words hold me captive. Simple words that can change my world in an instant.

“Is he okay?”

“I don’t know, Trey. They haven’t said anything.”

Looking past Kathy to the doors that lead to my dad, I break.


To be continued...

Don’t worry, I didn’t want to leave you on a cliffhanger—too much.

Here is the prologue to book two in the Always and Forever Series—Always Us.



“WHERE IS HE, KATHY?” I ask frantically, my chest heaving from the sheer panic. I feel like this is a dream, that I will wake up and be free from the pain gripping my chest.

“They had him in surgery, his lung was punctured. I’m scared, Trey.” Kathy says reaching for me in attempt to seek comfort. I wrap my arms around her, trying to stay calm, trying to imagine that this night and all this shit happening, is going to turn right back around. My dad has to make it through this. Kathy sobs into my chest, her fist gripping my shirt, smearing her make up all over the stark white color. I don’t care about that, though; I need to see my dad.

While I’m holding Kathy I try to find something to keep me together, someone to hold me when I feel like I’m about to fall over. I feel Shayla’s arms wrap around me from behind, her head lays on my back and I hear her faint whisper. “Trey, I’m so sorry.”

Two of the most important women in my life are clinging to me for solace, while I’m spinning out of control losing my own footing. It’s crazy how you can be surrounded by all these people that love you and yet still feel so alone…so afraid.

“How long was he in surgery? Was the coma induced or did his body send him into one, itself?” I ask my voice eerily quiet and distant.

“They pulled him out of surgery a few minutes ago. They said he is in a coma all on his own. I don’t know, I don’t have a ton of answers yet.” She responds stepping back from me, wiping the streaks of running mascara from under her eyes. Shayla moves from behind me to stand at my side. She fits her hand in mine, her thumb running soothing circles on my hand. As much as her presence is attempting to hold me to the ground, I still feel like I’m floating out of my body.

“Where’s the fucking doctor!” I yell, losing my cool. Why the fuck is no one able to tell me what I want to hear. I need to know my dad is going to walk out of this fucking hospital with me. I’m not leaving here without him, damn it!

“Trey, baby, calm down.” Shayla says putting her hand on my chest, when she comes to stand in between Kathy and I.

“No, that’s my fucking dad in there, Shay. If something happens to him,” I stop; not able to finish where my thoughts were going. I haven’t looked at her since Kathy came up to me, when my eyes look down at her green ones, I break. Her sympathetic look causes me to break, letting my emotions lay bare in front of everyone in this waiting room.

“I know baby, I’m sorry.” She opens her arms and I dip my head into the crook of her neck where it meets her shoulder. I let myself cry and cry unashamed. I do this for the next ten minutes, surrounded by my girl, friends, and family.

“Are you the wife of Charles Adams?” The voice above me causes me to lift my head up from where it was resting in my hands. Standing abruptly when I see it’s the Doctor speaking to Kathy. I meet him at her side, Shayla and Kings moving swiftly to stand behind us.

“Yes, I’m his wife, this is our son, is he okay?” Kathy ask, her eyes glued to the Doctor. The doctor shakes his head side to side.

“For now he’s stable, but we need to keep a close eye on him. There was damage to his heart as well, causing significant swelling. He is in the recovery room if you would like to see him.” I nod my head frantically and follow him back, Kathy and Shayla close behind me. Halfway to his room I stop and turn, seeing Shay a few feet behind me. I realized I forgot about her injuries and she cant walk too fast. I can’t walk into that room without my girl. She’s the fucking glue keeping me from shattering into a million fucking pieces. Kathy nods at me as she passes and I hold out my hand for Shayla.

“I need you by my side, baby.” I tell her, because it’s the truth. Her eyes tell me how much she’s sad and scared by this too. Her tiny hand collides with mine and I wrap my hand tightly around it. Taking a huge breath I release it quickly.

“Fuck, here we go.”

The sound of steady beeping and air compression fills the room, the light is off except for the tiny lamp that sits above my dad’s bed. When I see him for the first time, a wave of new emotions take over, when I thought I could handle it. I’m reminded that my dad isn’t ok, not even close. Kathy is on one side crying while she holds his hand, so I take residence on the other side. Placing his hand in mine, my jaw ticks and tightens holding back the tears as best as I can. His hand is cold and feels almost weightless, the machines around him all lit up.

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance