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“Hey, fuckhead, get your hands off my saint of a sister and come with us so we can eat. We’re hungry and you guys are keeping up the lunch line with all your immoral sex,” he jokes through the phone.

I blush, covering my face with my hand and digging it into Trey’s side. I know my dad’s in the room when I hear a slap followed by ‘really, son?’ Dang it, I was so caught up in Trey that I forgot we were at my dad’s place. I’m fine with him knowing I’m with Trey, but he doesn’t need to know we’re having sex.

“Hey, Kings, am I on speaker?” Trey asks him, amusement in his voice. My head flies up to look at Trey, my face pales; I can feel the blood draining from it.

Oh no.


No, don’t you do it, Trey.

“Don’t be jealous that my dick gets more than yours.”

“Trey Adams!” I punch him lightly in the side and follow with a slap to his chest. Did he really need to say that? I swear, why are all the men in my life total barbaric cavemen? Dropping the phone on his chest, I slide out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and start putting my clothes on. I’ll leave those two five year olds to their banter; I’ve had enough embarrassment for one night.

I’m completely dressed and fixing my hair and makeup when Trey finally joins me, he’s still naked. Totally confident and unashamed of his body, he has no reason to be, I guess. I smirk at him in the mirror and he returns it before leaning over the sink and splashing his face with water. We stay in comfortable silence while we get ready for dinner. Soon after we head to my car and take off toward the restaurant to meet the rest of our group.


I’M ENJOYING THIS NIGHT with my girl, surrounded by friends is a breath of fresh air, because with all this shit going on, Lord knows we need a time-out. Knowing every time I look over at her dad, that time-out won’t last long.

“You know, Daddy, Trey and I were just talking about that the other day.” I’m pulled from my personal thoughts when I hear my name coming from some sexy lips.

“I bet you were,” Tom answers sarcastically. I was about to ask them what they were talking about but the annoyance in her dad’s voice tells me I was right. Halftime is over, time for the final fight.

“Dad? What’s the matter?” Shayla asks, voicing the same damn question I have. Her hand is running up and down my thigh in a slow motion. I put my free hand over it to stop her fidgeting. Leaving my other arm that’s wrapped around her shoulder in place.

“I don’t really like that your boyfriend over there decided it was okay to have sex with my daughter under my roof,” he retorts, and I feel her body stiffen. Her hand that’s under mine tightens and squeezes my thigh. He really thinks we should bring this up at dinner? Couldn’t he wait until we were in the privacy of our home and not a public place?

“Dad—” Shay starts to speak, but I cut her off, deciding I’m the man in this situation and I’m the one who slept with his daughter under his roof, so I’m taking the heat for this. Besides, my girl isn’t going to take the fall for a private moment between us that should never be made out to be bad or dirty.

“Why is that a problem, Tom?” Her dad looks at me quizzically, as if he thought I would just sit back like some punk kid who fucked the girl and left her pregnant and alone. Shay is twenty-one years old; if she wants to have sex, she can have sex. Especially with me.

“Trey,” Shayla hisses, warning me to pipe down.

Not a fat fucking chance.

“No, baby. Our sex life isn’t his concern,” I say, putting my hand up between us, motioning her to stop and let me handle this. She takes a deep breath, looks down at her lap, and slinks back in the booth seat.

“Shay and I are adults, with grown ass feelings. I’m sorry that you took it to be disrespectful, but don’t make my woman feel ashamed or guilty about that sacred thing we share. And once again, no disrespect, but don’t tell me or even try to warn me to keep myself from being intimate with my girl. Because you will lose that battle, Tom. I love her and for some reason she loves me. She’s fucking stuck with me and part of that means I’m going to cherish her in all things, including sex. So buck up, Tom, she’s a kept woman.” I’m not going to lie, I’m fucking terrified, but I don’t dare show that to him, I can’t look weak, he will sense it and attack it.

I don’t break eye contact from him, and I can feel Shayla shaking, her dad’s approval of me means the world to her. She’s been a daddy’s girl since I’ve known her, and the last thing she wants or needs is him thinking any less of her or I for having sex. His face is stone-cold, and I can’t tell if he’s going to flip this table or ignore me and never bring this topic up again. Looking at Shay for a split-second, I see a little tear slide down her cheek.

“I second that shit,” Kings says from the other side of the table. Shit, I almost forgot he and Lana were here. Thanking God that he is, he can bring some comic relief, but the joke still doesn’t reach my girl. No smile, no giggle, just a sad frown and a lone tear. I make eye contact with her dad again; I’m not going to back down until he tells Shay what she needs to hear.

“Fuck,” he says, breaking eye contact first. Reaching across the table, he lifts S

hay’s chin, giving me a second to look around the restaurant. I’m glad we haven’t caught anyone’s attention. It’s a sports bar, so between the noise from loud bar goers and the copious amounts of TVs that are on, you can’t hear much unless you are sitting at the same table.

“Any man that’s willing to put me in my place to stick up for you and take the fall may be pretty good for you in my book, princess. But, don’t think I’m okay with…you know, the sex thing, you’re my little girl and that you will always be,” he tells her, wiping away another tear. She smiles, making the hold on my heart release. I fucking hate it when she cries.

“Thank you, Dad! I’m sorry that you felt disrespected, we will be more respectful next time.”

Tom looks up and glances at me and then Kingston. “You better fucking love her, because if you even think of breaking her heart, Kingston and I will not hesitate to hurt you.”

“I hope you would,” I say, taking a sip of my beer. For the first time tonight, he smiles at me.

“Okay, I don’t have to work tomorrow, Lana is driving, and we’ve been filled with fucking nonstop drama. So I’m going to get fucking wasted tonight. Who’s with me?” Kingston says, lifting his beer in the air. Everyone laughs and we lift our drinks in the air, he and I both downing our beers.

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance