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“Hey, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have jumped on you with my opinions. I know I need to understand you a little more. Just think about it, and give yourself the chance to love.” I wrap my arms around her shoulder as we make our way out of the spa. She kicks at the rocks as we near the rental car. Trey let us use this one while they rented another for sight seeing today.

“I know, I will.” We part ways and head to opposite sides of the car.

Before we climb in, I look over the hood at her face. “Hey.”

She looks up and tilts her head. “Yeah?”

“I’ll always be here for you. Through every ultimate fall.” I see her eyes fill with tears, and I feel my own threatening to escape. I wipe it quickly and we both laugh.

“God, we are such sissy bitches,” she replies, climbing into the passenger seat. She’s back, I think, when she calls us bitches.

We walk into the bar and my palms are sweating. Like, bad. I feel like they have a sprinkler attached to the fingertips, and every time I think about seeing Charles they go off. Shoot me, I’m nervous. I hear Kingston before we see him; he’s laughing and throwing darts in the corner with Charles. I don’t see Trey right away, causing my nerves to skyrocket.

“Babe!” Trey yells from his spot by the pool tables, where my eyes find him. Phew. He and Kathy are waving excitedly at me, but his yell caught the attention of Pops, the one I’m most nervous to see.

Here we go.

You got this, Shay.

I make it to Trey in a few seconds and he drags me into his arms. I notice he winces where my hand touches his left side, right under his pec.

“You okay?” I ask, worried. Did he get hurt today? He was hanging with Kings so heavens knows what shit they got into.

“Yeah, just got a tattoo.”

“What?” Trey doesn’t have any tattoos, and he’s never talked about getting them. He didn’t even flinch when he said that, not even a muscle on his face moved. My brother has enough for our entire group of friends. Kings is tattooed from his left shoulder down to his calf. And once again, Trey never mentioned wanting to get one, today or ever, so I’m not going to let him hang with Kings if he had anything to do with this, peer pressure at it’s finest.

“Yeah, want to see it?” He’s extra peppy, but it’s not a buzz, it’s just him, he’s freaking proud of whatever tattoo he got, that’s for dang sure.

I wait a second, anxiously anticipating what he’s going to show me. It’s probably a tribal tattoo like most guys get or my initials—my initials!

“My initials! You got my initials? What the heck is wrong with you, Trey Joseph Adams? Are you crazy or just…crazy?” I wave my hands in the air and point my finger toward my head, making an exploding gesture. He actually got my initials tattooed on his side. It’s a beautiful tattoo of a rose, with blue outlines and red tones, with my initials lying on one of the leaf petals. But it’s my initials! We’ve been a couple for two weeks. Two weeks, people.

“Yeah, crazy about you.” I look at him, now almost certain he’s high. Grabbing at his face, I pull it level to mine, checking his eyes for any indication or redness to tell me if he’s drunk. Nope, he’s totally sober and smiling at me, his face filled with pride. Not only is this crazy, but I have no idea what in the hell to say to him. I hope this has nothing to do with the Evan thing. I know he’s jealous, it’s something he struggles with because of his past, but if that’s the case, he’s joined the circus of loonies and needs to be medicated. I don’t want Evan and he’s not a threat, so I sure hope it has nothing to do with our fight the other day. Wasn’t my virginity enough to show him that I’m his in every way?

“I told him he needs to be sent to the loony bin because you were going to think he was crazy. Well, he didn’t listen. I told you, son.” Charles is now standing to the side of us, his hand on Trey’s shoulder. My previous thought will have to wait; I need to seriously talk to him about his claiming and jealousy obsession.

“Pops, where in the world did this big nut job come from? You’re so normal and nice, the

n this psycho comes along and tattoos my initials, permanently, into his skin.” Forget being nervous to see Charles, I expect someone in this dang room to give me some answers.

“You came along and drove him mad. Can’t say I’m disappointed in his choice of lady though.” My eyes dart to him fast, making me dizzy.

“Pops, don’t enable this kind of crazy.” Trey hasn’t said a word and he’s still standing there with his shirt up and a goofy grin plastered on his face.

Don’t look at his abs, don’t look at his abs, stay focused, Shayla, stay angry.

“Say something, crazy!” I shout at him, poking his hard chest with my finger.

His lopsided grin only fuels my raging inferno, this man has gone mad. I haven’t told my mom or dad about him yet. Oh my God, I haven’t even told my parents about Trey and now he has my initials etched permanently into his side.

“Like what? Like how sexy you are when you get flustered or mad. How about when your skin glows in the sun and it smells like vanilla. You know how bad that makes me want to lick you from head to toe?”

Why does he have to be so damn cute and say panty-dropping things like that?

“Trey…” I put my head down, hiding my weakness. I was just mad as all heck and now I’m turned on and ready to forgive him and drag him back to bed. Can we also talk about the fact that Pops is standing right here? I spaced on that for a second. I hesitantly look up and pray that he isn’t standing as close as he was moments ago. I can feel my shoulder slump in gratitude; thank heavens he went back to throwing darts. The last thing I want Pops hearing is Trey talking to me about sexual things.

Trey grabs the back of my elbow and pulls me into him swiftly. Our bodies hit and I’m suddenly very aware of our closeness, and his hardness nudging me in the stomach. He leans down to level his mouth with my ear and whispers, “I’m going to take you back to the hotel and rock your world tonight. I’m going to show you just how fucking crazy over you I really am.” Trey has his bossy pants on and he isn’t letting me out of his sight tonight. I’m so turned on and wet from his confession, so much so that I need to get away from him and freshen up. If I don’t, this entire bar will know exactly what I’m thinking about.

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance