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Well, no shit.

“Yeah, Kings, we know that. The whole city of Seattle knows that. The sexual tension was one thing, but the second you two started hooking up, the whole West Coast could see it,” I huff, and I see the pained look on his face. Sex with Lana is obviously affecting him; he about had a psychotic breakdown the other night. I want to play devil’s advocate and advise him to let that shit be, but Kingston Donovan does what the fuck he wants.

“No, we haven’t.” I visibly see his chest fall, the air he was holding finally being released. Glancing back to the road, I roll to a stop at the red light and look back at him.

“Good. I’m not five, it happens. People have sex. Last time I checked, I’m doing it and so is any grown ass adult. I also know you aren’t dumb enough to break her heart. So, if she’s going to have sex with anyone, I prefer it be you. But don’t take that as me giving you permission; take it as an understanding with a hint of warning. Break her heart, I’ll fucking bust your face in, bro or not. She’s my everything and she comes first. Comprende, my friend?” Serious Kingston is almost an extinct beast, he never comes out, but when he does, he runs wild and kills you with a simple look and killer hook line.

“Ah thanks, big guy.” I imitate my best baby voice. I get it…I won’t break her heart. Never even crossed my mind. Having this conversation isn’t something I want to do either, and not because Shay is his sister, it’s because she’s mine. I don’t want to share what’s mine, especially that part of her. When we have sex, no one needs to know about it but her and me. No one, not even Kings. I rub my arm after he hits me with a hard punch.

“Fuck off, weirdo. Eyes on the road. I would like to get home to finish packing. So we need to hurry and get lunch over to the girls.”

I nod. Changing the conversation, I pick back up with work. “You sure you don’t want me to call someone in to help out? I know Jeff’s taking over when you leave, but he can come in earlier, if you want to come with us.” We met Jeff the first week we opened the studio. We clicked instantly and he’s been on our team for the past six months. It was pretty awesome how quickly he caught on, but also his creative side is off the charts when he’s working with the bands. Like Kings and me, he can sing and play multiple instruments. I trust him to take care of the studio when we’re gone.

“No, I already booked Lana’s and my plane tickets. Plus, I already promised Ben that I would help him get his band’s last song recorded.” Ben is a part of the band the Roes, and he is, by far, one of the most creative geniuses of our time. I’m going to be bummed when they head back to Arizona after recording with us.

“They’re going to blow up the charts, man. Seriously, it’ll be huge for our business when it gets out that they recorded with us.”

He agrees with me, nodding his head and pointing at the sky. “Shit’s coming down hard.”

I’d prefer if Shayla didn’t drive home in this, so maybe I can convince her to leave early with me. We can get her car later. “Yeah, it is.”

I grab my phone to shoot her a text.

Me: Hey, babe, whatcha up to?

Baby girl: I’m at the store. Evan had to cancel our supper, so he stopped by to go over some final shipment plans for our newest line.

I feel my chest puff up a little more knowing he’s there and I’m about to surprise her.

Me: Oh yeah, I’m sorry, babe. I wish I could be there to whisk you away. I guess you’re just gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

Baby girl: :( can it be that time already?

Me: Right, I can’t wait to get out of here and spend some more time together. This week without you has been shit.

Baby girl: Is everything okay?

Me: No, I haven’t seen you, so it’s been crap.

Baby girl: Aw, poor baby… I guess I’ll have to make it up to you ;)

Me: I’m with your brother. Don’t tease or he’s going to get a good view of my hard cock.

Baby girl: But what if I want to?

Me: What are you wearing?

Baby girl: Wouldn’t you like to know.

I’m about to respond, but the voice over the drive-in food joint blares in my ear.

“You shouldn’t text and drive,” Kingston busts my balls, gaining my attention.

“I wasn’t texting and driving, dude.” This guy is full of jokes today, isn’t he? “You’re annoying, you know that? Now, what do you want?” We order our food then continue to banter back and forth as we head to the store. It’s located right in the center of downtown Seattle and the foot traffic is constantly going. They were lucky to get this spot. One of my favorite moments was watching her get this place. She looked so happy and beautiful. It stopped me dead in my tracks; even my heart gave out for a minute when I saw that smile light up her perfect face.

Shay and Lana made the signage big and clean, with a white background and black letters. Inside it’s modern and chic. Yes, chic. Shay beat that into King’s head and mine when we helped them move in. I can hear her voice in my head now, ‘Trey, it has to be chic. If it doesn’t blend with the gray and white walls it will look dumb. Chic can’t look good if it looks dumb!’ The thought has a smile plastered to my face as we make our way into the store.

That smile is short-lived. Walking into the back of the store, I see Shay standing with Lana and some dude. Not just any dude. A decent looking guy who isn’t me. I’m not saying I’m insecure with how I look, but this guy looks like he knows his shit don’t stink. The cocky type. A guy like me.

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance