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“Babe, I didn’t mean to sound like a dick, okay? It’s not safe downtown at night, all right? Can you please go inside, and stay until I get there?” I ask more calmly this time.

She’s silent for a moment, and then it’s like a switch is flipped. “Trey, this was a bad idea, I’m not in the mood to go out tonight, I’m just gonna head home. Talk to you tomorrow.”



Great, this spiraled out of control and now she’s pissed. Day two, this is fantastic, and I just may win the award for the biggest piece of shit boyfriend that ever existed. I quickly redial her number in hopes that I can stop her from leaving and prevent this damn fight from further tailspinning.

Pick up, baby, pick up.

I call a few more times but it keeps going to voicemail. As I pull up to the parking garage, near the restaurant, I see her leaving. Hurrying to make a U-turn, I speed after her. This night will end with us on a good note, I refuse anything else.

I call her again as I weave in and out of traffic, trying to catch up, but she denies it. I understand I sounded like a fucking caveman, but she’s beyond pissed at me.

We both stop at the red light, and I see her looking at me in her rearview mirror, I motion for her to pick up her phone by pointing to mine in my hand. Doubtful that it’ll work, I call her back and she answers in a huff.

“What, Trey?”

“Babe, I wasn’t trying to be a dick, okay?” I wait hesitantly to continue, in fear she may snap even more. “It’s not safe at night, and I didn’t—” Before I can finish what I’m saying, she cuts me off.

“Trey, I’m a grown woman, and I think you’re just jealous of me being out with someone else.” She pauses. “So don’t take that out on me.” The phone goes silent, and I know she hung up on me. Again.

The light turns green and she makes an escape for her apartment, but I keep pace with her, and we both pull into our parking garage within seconds of each other. Jumping out of the car, I make a beeline toward her, where she’s standing outside the elevator. Barely making it in time, I throw my hand between the closing doors and it slides back open. When she gets a good look at my agitated face, I half expect her to calm down, but she stands her ground like a firecracker. Further letting me know I’m a prick and I need to calm the fuck down.

Walking slowly toward her, she just shakes her head, so I stop.

“You need to calm the hell down, you caused me to make a scene in front of my investor. Secondly, what grounds did you have to get all hotheaded like a damn goon and treat me like that? Huh? Don’t worry, I’ll wait.” Huffing, she readjusts herself, popping her hip out and tightening her arms.

Holy fuck, I’m in trouble and she is showing no mercy. I feel I could have sweet-talked her if this was a new relationship and we were still learning each other, but we aren’t. We have history and she is not backing down and most definitely not taking my fucking shit. God, I’m filled with pride. Still jealous, sure, but filled with pride.

Catching my breath, I slowly saunter toward her, backing her into the corner. She turns her head away from me, her arms still crossed, when I place both arms on either side of her head, boxing her in. I need to say sorry and fix this right now, I completely acted like a idiot on our technical first date. Shit, we didn’t even get to it because of me.

“You’re right, I’m jealous, okay?” I tilt my head to the side and let a small but devilish snicker leave my lips. First, I’ll start with flirty and charming, see if I can get out of the doghouse. I pray it works. “Not jealous of him, but the fact that he had my girl at dinner and got to steal her laugh, see her smile, and gawk at this tight little number you’re wearing.” Dropping my hand to her thigh, I lightly tug on the bottom of her white, skintight dress.

“I just wanted to get your sexy ass to the car safely, baby. Okay?” Using one hand, I pull her flush against me and take my other hand to lift her dress enough so I can pick her up. She still hasn’t said a word, but the slightest hint of red begins to dust where the V-neck of her dress starts. I pull her up by her ass, urging her to jump up and straddle me. Causing her arms to drop from her chest and wrap around me. So far so good, I hope she can forgive my punk ass.

“You’re my girl, and no one will ever taint or touch what’s mine. Got it, beautiful?” All she gives me is a slow, reserved nod.

“Fine. But I shouldn’t forgive you for being such jerk. And I only will this one time. I’m gonna blame it on mental instability.” She smirks. “Seriously though, Trey. Don’t ever talk to me like that. I’m not just some girl. Before this whole thing started we were best friends, and I need you to treat me as such. Got it?” she demands and I concede willingly, she is fucking right. I dropped the ball tonight and the last thing I deserve is this saint of a woman in my arms.

“You are right, I was wrong to do that shit back there. You didn’t deserve it. I will get my shit together,” I promise, ready to turn this night right back around.

I lift my hand up her back, stopping at her plush, soft neck. Gazing into her eyes, I ask for permission with this one look, making sure she gives me the green light before I make my next move. She bites her plump, pink lip and that’s my invitation to take exactly what I’ve been thinking about since we last kissed. Her taste.

Roughly, I grab her hair in my fist and pull her head back, taking her lips. It starts slow and sensual, but I want her to fucking feel me. I want her to be marked so no other man can touch her. I want every man to be able to smell me miles away. She makes me wild, and I wouldn’t change that about her. I love the complete control she has over me. Like a beautiful devil, tempting me to sin.

Licking her bottom lip, I feel her warm tongue touch mine, her taste sending me over the edge, coaxing the beast in me to come out to hunt. I urgently kiss her without regard, until I hear the annoying sound of the elevator stopping. Damn it to hell, I don’t want to stop. Shit.

I’m going to get her behind that door and lick, suck, and taste her body from the pink of her toes to the burgundy hair on the top of her head. Thankful the hallway is deserted, I continue to carry her as I walk toward her door. Not that others being around would fucking stop me. I start sucking on her soft and delicate neck. Fuck she tastes good. This discovery alone makes me grow even harder. I know she can feel it pushing against her warm core, because if I can tell she’s warm and wet, then she can feel my raging cock begging to break out. I need a release and so does she, the silent moans and the tiny grind of her hips against me proves it. We get to her door, and I place her slowly onto her delicate feet, letting her feel every inch of me. I’m wound tight and I want her.

Turning to unlock the door, I watch her hand slide around the handle and my dick spikes. I imagine her tight fist gripping me hard. This is fucking torture. Grabbing her heavy tits in my hands, her head hits my shoulder and a moan falls from her swollen lips.

“Open the door, baby.” Her movements go into rush mode; I swear she gets us through the door in less than a split second.

“Lana’s out on a date, so we have the apartment to ourselves for a little bit, what do you want to do?” She turns toward me, slowly sliding her high heels off. I know what she’s trying to do and it’s fucking working. No lights are on in the apartment; the skyline shining through the window casts a shadow on her soft face. I can see the red in her cheeks, the rash on her neck from my scruffy, unshaven face, and her lips swollen from my attack.

I want to close this gap between us, but my brain ce

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance