Page 23 of Coming Home For Her

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It was fucking hard keeping away from her after last night. I woke her with my mouth this morning before I took her again. I shouldn't have. She was likely still sore, but being the bastard I am, I’d done it anyways. This was one of the reasons I told myself to stay away from Carey to begin with, but it is too late now. I’ll have to make it up to her in different ways.

There is no control when it comes to her. I’m just going to have to figure out a way to counter it. Try to hide it so it doesn't freak her out. It’s only been a couple of days, and I’m already thinking about marriage and getting pissed at the idea of having to take her home. My eyes flick over to her two dads, who are talking with my parents. What the hell are they going to think about this?

“Hey there, handsome.” A woman drops down into the seat next to mine. I don’t recognize her. She must be from Logan’s side. Some of the guests were only invited to the reception in order to keep the wedding more intimate. I don’t recall seeing this woman at the wedding. I would have remembered, and not because she looks strictly like Barbie but because I clocked everyone. It’s in my nature. Years of training on and off the field have me on guard at all times. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail that is so tight I would think it would give her a headache.

I give her a nod, not saying anything. My eyes go back to the dance floor to watch Carey, wondering if I could steal another dance. The first one seemed normal. She was, after all, the maid of honor and I was the best man.

“You’re Angel’s brother, right?” Out of the corner of my eyes I see her hand start to descend on my forearm. I move, snagging my drink off the table.

“Yeah,” I answer her, not wanting to be a complete asshole but letting her know I’m not interested. I’m not sure she’s getting the message. If she pushes me anymore, I’ll make sure she gets it loud and clear.

I’m guessing it’s not often that someone rejects her advances. I’m pretty sure she’s an exact cut-out of what most men want. I’m not most men. To me she’s practically the opposite. There is no softness to her. That’s one of the things I crave most when it comes to Carey. Everything about her is soft and sweet, and I want it all for myself.

“You’re one of those strong silent types, aren't you?” She leans in closer, but this time she makes sure she’s not touching me. “From what I hear, those are the type that know how to fuck. Maybe you could help me find out if that rumor is true or not.” She bats her eyes at me in what I’m guessing is supposed to be a sexy gesture.

“Don’t,” I warn her. Tension fills my body when I spot Peter entering the reception area. Motherfucker. I’d forgotten all about him and the fact that he was technically here as Carey’s date. She must have too. The way Angel smirks when she sees Peter lets me know she hasn't forgotten. My little sister knows this is going to get under my skin, and instead of worrying about her wedding being ruined by me, she’s enjoying the fact that I’m going to be crazy jealous.

“Don’t what? You don’t want to get out of here?” she purrs.

Carey sneaks a peek over at me, and her eyes narrow on the woman next to me before she turns away again. Great. I was slowly starting to gain her trust.

“Not with you,” I growl. She huffs, then calls me an asshole before she finally gets lost. Peter hugs Carey, and it takes everything inside of me to stay in my seat.

“Don’t you think you should talk to her dads at some point?” My dad takes the empty seat next to me.

“Yes.” They only got back to town today. They might wonder why Carey isn’t sleeping in her own bed tonight. I want to be respectful to them.

“You could do it now.”

“I’m busy.” My eyes are still trained on my girl. “Plus, Carey doesn't want anyone to know until after tonight.”

“Busy?” He chuckles from beside me. Then he stiffens when Mom walks onto the dance floor, and Angel introduces Peter to her.

“Shall we?” I stand, pushing my chair back. My dad follows suit. Carey sees me, her eyes going wide. She gives me a look that tells me I better not do it. The blonde walks by me.

“Hey.” I snag her attention.

“What are you doing?” Dad mumbles from beside me.

“Yes.” She smirks like she knew I would come crawling back.

Tags: Lucy Darling Romance