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I bit down on the inside of my lip until I tasted blood. My eyes were burning to the point of aching, but I refused to let any tears fall.

“Come, my dear, it’s almost over.” My grandmother’s gentle voice broke me out of my reverie. She held her arm out and I gently took hold of it, letting her guide me back towards the fleet of waiting luxury vehicles.

As we walked away, a small group of men standing beneath a cherry tree caught my attention.

One, in particular, stood out from the rest. I would forever remember this day when our eyes first met. They held for a full minute. It was the briefest of moments, but it represented the beginning of everything. I knew right then he was going to set my soul on fire and flip my already unsteady world on its ass.

I had his undivided attention, and he had me curious. I know, curiosity killed the cat, but people forgot that satisfaction was a master of necromancy.

My grandmother was wrong.

This wasn’t almost over.

It hadn’t even begun.

Chapter Two

I was grateful I’d remembered my sunglasses. The Bulgari lens obscured my eyes and hid the angry flames burning within them. Those making their rounds and offering up meaningless condolences were none the wiser about my current state of mind.

Sandwiched between my uncle and my grandmother with my two friends nearby, I plastered on a well practiced face of neutrality.

“I’m so sorry for your loss.”

No, you’re not, I couldn’t help but think every time those same words were regurgitated by another stranger giving me a phony smile. The people in the room had no idea who my aunt even was, and less than half actually gave a damn about my sister.

They were here to be seen and to see me, like I was some freak-show.

I could see the questions in everyone’s eyes and the theories being formed about my abrupt arrival and sudden reappearance back into their elite society.

Everyone was mingling, laughing, and conversing as if we were all at an annual get together instead of a wake.

“I’ll be right back.” I gently touched my grandmother’s arm and gave her a small smile excusing myself. Judgmental stares tracked my every move across the room.

“She looks just like her.”

“I thought she was dead.”

“Where do you think she’s been?”

Ignoring the whispered speculations I made my way towards the ladies room located off the back hall. I pushed the door open and walked in to see a trio of women in black dresses bent over the basin.

My mouth puckered in disbelief. I couldn’t stop the sound of disgust leaving my throat when one of the blondes looked directly at me and smiled.

“Are you really this trashy?” My voice echoed in the confined space. I’m sure people in the main room heard but honestly, I didn’t give a shit. I’d officially just reached my quota of giving a fuck for the day.

The blonde was now looking at me like I was the one doing something wrong. I shook my head and promptly exited before I acted on the thought of slamming her face into the goddamn mirror.

For them to have the audacity to do that bullshit here of all places was just the cherry on top of a shitty day.

I couldn’t care less that she wanted to get high. That was her own screwed up perogative. But there was a time and a place and this was neither of the above.

She didn’t even try to hide the powder on the rim of her nostril.

Suddenly in desperate need of some air, I took a hard left, changing course away from the main room and heading towards the patio. I knew I needed to keep my emotions guarded.

You couldn’t show anyone your weakness. Once they knew it they would use it to tear you down, but there was no way in hell I was going to force myself to reciprocate a smile and play nice with a group of bitches who more than likely helped my sister destroy herself.

The hot summer sun wasted no time in reacquainting me with its intense rays. Fortunately, there was a gentle breeze now blowing to offset the smarmy heat. I approached a stone banister and leaned my upper half over it with a sigh.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance