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Whoa. Full-stop.

“Not what you were expecting?”

I shook my head.

He lifted his hand in the air to catch our waiter’s attention. “I know. I’ve been watching you very closely for a while now. You were expecting me to take what’s between your legs the first chance I got tonight, but I’m not a horny teenage boy who can’t control himself.

“I would love to sit you on top of this table, spread your legs, and feast on your cunt before burying my cock inside you and continuing to ruin you for anyone else.” He paused and took in my wide-eyed expression. “But I want all of you, Elena.”

“Why?” I internally cringed at how flustered I sounded.

He ignored me and picked up the menu, asking if I wanted dessert. “You can answer me later.”

His attention was still on the menu when a pretty woman with long dark hair walked by the table. She smirked at me and caught his attention, winking at him and being rewarded with a smile as she continued on her way.

. The steak knife looked too dull to penetrate the back of her head, so I was stuck contemplating the usage of a fork. Had I took even a second to examine my own behavior I would have realized I was behaving just as irrationally and unhealthily possessive as he was.


I glanced at him, seeing a smug smirk and glared. He thought this was funny.

“Who the hell was that?”

“She was–––.”

“What the fuck are you looking at?” I snapped at the same woman who had listened in just moments ago.

“That’s enough. You’re going to make a scene,” he cut in.

Scoffing, I pushed away from the table and weaved my way back outside, cupping the back of my neck as soon as I burst through the glass doors. I wasn’t sure how long I stood there receiving curious stares from the valet and other patrons coming and going.


I ignored him, pissed I’d left my clutch in his car.

The heat from his body pressed against my back. “I have fucked other women, Elena, but I don’t stick my dick in every pussy thrown at me.

That woman was Claudia. She’s my cousin, and she knows who you are to me.”

Instant shame and embarrassment flooded through me. Wasn’t it less than two hours ago I was calling him a psycho? Wasn’t this pot meeting kettle? “I’m sorry,” I turned to face him, slightly stepping back so I could see into his eyes. “I––.”

He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips that effectively hushed me. “It’s okay. Let me take you home.”

The second the Mustang was back in its parking spot, I waited for him to open the door and then stepped past him, heading back through his darkened house.

I was hoping I was going the right the way when he caught me by the arm and turned me around.

“You continually run away from me, and I continually have to catch you.”

I glared at his hand. “Let me go.”

“No,” he said harshly. “Explain to me what happened between the parking lot and me pulling in the garage.”

“I don’t know if I should take your word on what you want from me. I easily believe everything you say. I’m…naïve, and I think you know that. You could be mani–––.”

“Please shut the fuck up, Elena.” He said it so softly it made an even harsher demand. His ‘please’ added a hint of tenderness.

Unsurprisingly, I found myself doing what he asked. His hand found its way to my throat, where he gripped me firmly. “Is this how it’s going to be between us, amada?

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance