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Maybe I should have been afraid, but I wasn’t. I knew it was there when we started whatever this was between us. His dark side wasn’t going to scare me away. I had my own that had yet to make an appearance. And I intended to keep it that way. How I felt for him aside, I needed him.

“Have a good day,” I politely bid, not wanting to get into a real-life argument. I went to move past him and he cut me off.

Unprepared for the sudden move I walked right into his sweaty chest, jumping back like I’d been burned, a glare on my face.

“Why do you do that?” I shrilled.

“Why do you keep running from me?”

“I’m not running.”

“Good, because if you were I would have to chase you. And I can assure you, I’m faster.”

His voice held a promise I had no intention of having him make good on.

I wiped off my forehead with a disgusted grimace and reached up to fix my ponytail, momentarily forgetting that all I had on was a black training bra and tight neon yellow yoga shorts.

Mateo took full advantage of the open casting. His eyes appreciatively drifted down my body, only coming back up when I cleared my throat.

“A blind man would app

rove,” he said, so smoothly I could almost believe he hadn’t just jacked my line as his own.

“I want you to spend the night with me.”

I wasn’t sure that was the best idea. I was doing my best to fight against the urge to lose myself in him as it was. I was at risk of becoming an addict. I’d never felt anything of this magnitude before.

He made me feel like I was standing in the middle of the freeway, blinded by headlights.

I glanced at my phone and pretended to alert myself of the time. “I need to–––.”

“Look at me.”

His sharp tone implored me to do as he said. When I looked into his eyes, he seemed pleased to have my full attention.

“I’d offer to give you a ride back home but I already know you’d decline. So, I’ll settle for taking you out for dinner.”

“I don’t want to go to dinner.”

“Do you need me to text you my address, or would you prefer I send a car?”

I sighed exaggeratedly. “I just said I’m not coming.”

“Elena,” he purred in a low voice, stepping forward until we were almost touching, “with me, you’ll always be coming.”

“Oh…Jesus,” I muttered, shifting my weight from the sudden rise of heat outside.

My reaction had a smug smirk tilting up one corner of his mouth.

“I’ll see you at seven.” He pressed a firm kiss to my lips, forcing my mouth open so he could slip his tongue inside. I kissed him back as if I had just been given a lifeline. He gripped my ass and pulled me against his sweaty body.

A soft groan slipped out when he pressed his hard cock into my apex, and then he was gone with a “See you later.”

He easily maneuvered around me and set off at a brisk jog in the opposite direction before I could object or edge in another word.

I stared after him with a frown, wondering how he knew I’d gone jogging.

“I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to talk me out of this,” I cradled my cell between my ear and shoulder, lounging on my bed.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance