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Tuus perdite sodalis amans

Chapter Ten


I leaned against the side of the XL, watching Zane swap gear with my dickhead brother.

After his whispered declaration he swaggered away and had yet to look back in my direction once. I told myself it was nothing; he was trying to mess with my head. The way his eyes told me things he hadn’t, did not matter either.

I simply didn’t care.

That was also bullshit.

If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have been staring him down the past fifteen minutes.

Nyx walked over and stood beside me, placing her back parallel to mine. “What did he say to you?”

“Nothing important.” Nothing I’ll ever tell anyone.

“Really?” she questioned.

Her tone successfully ended my one-sided staring contest. I blinked and shifted my gaze to her.

“Yes. Really.”

“Okay,” she clipped, crossing her arms across chest. “So what do you think the deal is with those two?”

She kept her voice low, but as if he’d heard her anyway Zane turned his head and looked over at the two of us, eyes briefly meeting mine before going back to Lucifuge.

“Who knows?” I sighed and pushed off the truck, turning so that I could face her head on.

“Luce is just like our Dad, which means he has a reason for it…”

“But we won’t know until, or, unless he wants us to,” she finished my sentence for me.

“Exactly that, and fuckboys aside, are you going to be okay being alone with them?”

Her forehead creased in confusion. “Who am I going to be alone with?”

“The Venom backpacking across the Badlands with us,” I answered slowly.

“Oh.” She glimpsed down at the ground for a moment before replying. “I have no idea how or what to feel right now, Addy. All I know for sure is that we can use them just like they can use us to all get what we want. I can’t dwell on anything else.”

Her gaze shifted to something behind me and stayed there.

“But if they try to hinder us, or hurt you in any way, I’ll fucking kill them.”

I didn’t have to question if she was serious or not, I knew she’d meant every word. Nyx and death walked blissfully hand and hand as lovers did.

Peering over my shoulder to see what had warranted the last sentence to be spoken so coldly, or in this case, whom—I spotted Maliki.

He was staring right back at her, an unreadable expression on his face. I could feel the tension between the two from where my feet were rooted to asphalt.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Badlands Romance