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“You know he isn’t going to tell you. None of them are,” Nyx flatly stated.

A muffled laugh came from the end of the hall, and I realized our discrepancy was being viewed by the very people who were at the center of the conflict.

My face flushed with humility, anger prickled my skin. Thankfully the hall was mostly dark. I couldn’t bring myself to look that way, unable to begin processing the implications of what this meant.

Without another word on the subject, I shoved my way past my brother and the twins, starting back down the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Luce called after me.

“To do what we said we were going to do,” I replied without stopping. And I meant it. I was going to find our sister, Sam, and Lilith and bring them home, with or without him.

“Where do you think we should check next?” Nyx asked, jumping right on board with me despite what she had to be feeling about this.

I chewed my inner cheek, trying to determine what to do next. If these Stags did have them, then we’d need to figure out where they were.

“Can you track?”

“I can try. Charon is out there somewhere,” she replied, gesturing to the outside.

“Okay,” I nodded. “Let’s get back to the truck and get all we can from Makayla first.”

When neither she nor Annie disagreed with that, I figured I was on the right track. I could use the walk to get my head together.

As we made our way back the way we had come in, without a flashlight of our own, the lower hall seemed as if it had grown significantly darker.

Upon exiting the school, the air was undeniably stiffer.

A fog had risen, covering everything and making visibility of more than a few feet in front of us near impossible.

“Stay close,” I said, glancing back at them before starting down the first small set of stairs.

“There should have been a body here.” I pointed down at the concrete where only a large bloodstain remained. There was no way that Stag was still alive. I heard Annie's gun go off and she never missed. It fell through a damn window.

“How many of these people did you encounter?” I asked Nyx. She was missing her flashlight, and I’d felt the stickiness of blood on her

jacket, so clearly she’d had a run-in with at least one.

“Two. I handled one Butcher the other. Luce and Cam took out another three,” she replied, examining the stain.

“Come on.” I started forward again more cognizant of our immediate surroundings, well aware we weren’t alone out here.

It was much harder to navigate the uneven terrain when I couldn’t see it. After a few minutes, a tiny amount of perspiration began to bead on my skin. I wasn’t hot, so I didn’t understand why.

A bell chimed from what I thought was my right. Turning my head in its direction was instinctive, even if my sight was impaired.

“Did you hear that?” I quietly asked, looking over my shoulder when neither of them responded. I was greeted with nothing but space.


Where the hell did they go?

The bell sounded again, this time seemingly closer.

“Great,” I mumbled, starting back in the opposite direction.

I think.

I couldn’t see shit.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Badlands Romance