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Her lipstick was smeared and messy, her hair a tousled nest from having his hand diving into it over and over, adjusting his grip and keeping control of her head. She looked up at him with bare, naked lust. The dress which had looked so elegant when they first stepped out into the world was now torn and pulled to the side, fine seams ripped and fabric flapping.

She looked like a dirty little fuck toy. He wanted to smear his seed all over that eager fuck-drunk expression of hers. He could still see rebellion in her eyes. She was absolutely unbreakable. Uncontrollable. But she was his to command, and he was going to make sure she fucking obeyed.

He pulled at the leash and made the collar snug up under her jaw. He was an animal, holding another animal on her knees. His balls were tight with come, just waiting to fill her up. He'd had every hole, but not like this. Not with this much intensity.

“Don’t you ever disobey me again. Don’t you EVER put yourself in danger. You will do as you are told. You will follow my every order, or you will find yourself caged.”


The rest of her sentence was lost to posterity as he came, a torrent of his seed splashing over her nose, mouth, and cheeks.

She drew in a deep breath, felt the scent of his essence clinging to her.

“Neanderthal," she accused softly.

“I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. The more you resist, the more you disobey, the rougher and crueler I will be.”

Sophie looked him in the eye and said the last word she expected to say, and probably the last word he expected to hear.



“I’m not going to stop trying to get my revenge for what was taken from me. I’m not going to let Christo get away with…”

“Christo is the least of your worries. He’s not even on my radar.”


“Indigo. That man’s depravity knows no bounds. He’s incapable of kindness. He’s allergic to it. As long as I’ve known him, he has been tinkering on the edges of madness… so you're damn right, Sophie. I’m not going to let you get anywhere near him ever again. If I have to lock you away in this house, I will. If I have to keep you chained day and night, I will.”

He crouched in front of her and used a warm, wet face cloth to tenderly clean away the semen spread over her features. She closed her eyes and let him do it, lifting her face to him and the warmth.

“You're really not going to stop, are you?" he murmured the question.


“Even if you can live a full life with your new identity, you still want Christo to pay. You’re so much angrier than I realized. And you’re so much stronger than anybody knows. I’m going to keep you on the short leash we both know you need.”

Chapter 25

"So when am I going to meet your parents?” She asked him the question as they lay together in bed, her head on his shoulder, his fingers tracing sweet patterns over her arm and back.

“You don't know about my parents, Miss Google?” Alex looked down at her, eyes dark above rough stubble.

“I don’t.”

“I thought you knew everything about me.”

“I barely know you at all," Sophie said, meaning it. “You once told me I didn't even know your name.” She smiled up at him. “We've been through so much together, and we don’t know anything about each other, really.”

“You don’t know much about me, you mean, Miss Absent Backstory.”

“Yes. That’s what I mean I don't know.”

He sat up a little and steepled his fingers over his chest, almost reciting the story as if he had it memorized. She didn’t know if it was true or not. Like most things in Alex’s world, it was probably a truth covered in a thousand other lies.

“I was born Alistair Bond. My parents were Mary and Arthur Bond. They were dirt poor. I mean, dirt poor. They didn’t think they could have kids, but then they had me. My mother died when I was one. My father died when I was three. Drank himself to death. My adoptive mother found me in an orphanage when I was four. She was a wild thing with an ample inheritance. Her father had been in oil in Africa when that was still acceptable. Her parents wanted her to marry and produce an heir. She elected to remain unmarried and adopt me instead."

“She sounds incredible.”

“She was. She raised me as her own. She died when I was twenty, and left every penny of her fortune to me.”

A sad and twisted tale lay behind Alex’s current facade. She'd felt it the first moment they met. It had been between them the entire time, an understanding which transcended the massive gap in wealth and experience.

Tags: Loki Renard Wall Street Beasts Romance