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“Please…” she whimpered.

“Get up and go to your room,” he said, his voice tight in his throat. His cock felt as though it was going to throb and pound its way off his body and start fucking her tight, wet hole without him if he didn’t give into it soon.


“Because I want you to remain pure and untainted. You’re a virgin. You’re young. You could meet a nice man and go on to have a nice family, and…”

“Who the fuck said I wanted that?”

He gave her a stern look. “Language, Sophie.”

“I didn’t get a job at Apex which required eighty hour weeks so I could find a nice guy, settle down, and produce some kind of 1950’s fucking nightmare,” she cursed, losing her temper. “I wanted… this.”

“You don’t know what you want.”

“Yes. I do!”

She lunged for him with a desperate kiss, her hands raking down his shirt, the tips of her nails cutting like fire into his skin, even through the protection of the fabric. She was like a wild thing, full of desperation.

He knew what she needed. She needed to be fucked. She needed to come. Her kiss was hungry and desperate, almost animal, and it broke through the last of his reserves.

He pinned her down on the bed, struggling, and used his tie to secure her wrists above her head, lashing it to the left hand side bedpost. She looked surprised, as if she hadn’t expected him to be able to tie her so efficiently or quickly.

She was wearing far too much clothing. He ripped that off her, the flimsy fabric of her panties ripping easily underneath his hand, her skirt riding up to her waist, her bra pulled down to expose her breasts. It was better this way, to have her still partially clothed. Dirtier to just rip and tear fabric until he had access to the fuckable parts of her innocent body.

“You wanted me, Sophie? Now you have me.”

There were toys in the bedside cabinet. Clips, clasps, clamps, and chain. An excellent start to adorn the body of his squirming young lover. He started with her right nipple, teasing it into erectness with his fingertips before sliding the rubber-tipped clamp on. He repeated the process on the other side, before turning to the last point in the triangle, the slippery little bud of her clit peeking out from downy lips.

That, she raised an objection to. Bucked and whimpered until he pressed down on her pelvis with one firm hand and slapped her pussy soundly with the other.

“Stay still,” he lectured, glowering down at her.


“Sir,” he said. “You will call me sir, or master. You have not earned the right to use my name, toy.”

She swallowed nervously, then yelped as he clamped her naughty clit and a chain between all three points. Perfect. She was starting to look like she might be ready for a thick cock inside that spoiled little hole of hers.

He had promised that it would hurt, and it did.

Whatever she had imagined losing her virginity would be like, it was nothing like this. Her clit was trapped by the clamp, a slim chain keeping it taut and connected intimately to both her nipples which were likewise clamped.

So this was the monster who had been seething under the controlled exterior of the COO. This was what she had sensed that day they’d first met. And now it was being unleashed on her in all its kinky cruelty.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, tugging on the chain and making her nipples and clit sing with the pressure. “And you're innocent. And I’m going to fucking ruin you.”

The curse sounded strange coming from his lips. On some level, she still saw him as her stern boss, strait-laced and formal, even as he loomed above her, stripping off his shirt to reveal a muscular, hairy chest marked with more than one scar, and…

“You have tattoos!”

“I was in the military. Nobody gets out of the service without at least one,” he said, caressing her face with his big palm, and running that same hand down her neck and over her chest to cup her breast. “I should have you tattooed with my mark. I should have you forever branded as mine.”

Her breath came quicker because she knew he was not musing or teasing. He was planning. He hadn’t saved her from Christo and Apex. He’d kidnapped her, and now he was using her.

She tugged at her bonds, felt the silk of his tie tighten around her wrists. He knew how to tie a knot. There was no getting out of this until he decided she should be free — and that was clearly not a decision he intended on making soon.

“Remember how I told you to be a good girl, take your spankings, go to your room and not push me?” He asked the question with a deceptively gentle tone. “You should have listened to me, Sophie.”

Tags: Loki Renard Wall Street Beasts Romance