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The COO’s hand ran down her back and settled at the base of her spine.

“Good girl,” he purred, those two words sending jolts of electricity through her.

She liked it when he called her a good girl. It was the first glimmer of approval she’d experienced in his eyes, and it sent a warm wash of feeling rushing through her all the way to her toes. The cool wood against her cheek kept her anchored to reality.

What was happening was wrong. He framed it as discipline, and she knew she deserved something for repeated fuck ups. But this was…

“Stay with me,” he said, slipping two fingers of his other hand under her chin. It was so hard to look at him while being prone on his desk. He was tall anyway, but having her head more or less at crotch height was more than a little suggestive.

“I want you to remember this, Sophie,” he said. “Next time you think you’re on the executive level and you don't need to respect your superiors, think of this.”

Superior. He spoke like they were in the military. That’s what West Point and a dozen years of service did to a man. As sophisticated as Alex now appeared, there was steel beneath that bespoke suit.


A hard wooden ruler made sudden and unexpected contact across her ass. She drew in a sharp breath and released it in a yowl. She would have bounced up from the desk, but for his other hand pinning her to the table by her lower back.


“Language, Sophie.”

“Who gives a damn how I talk, you’re already breaking every employment law that exists by doing this.”

Alex leaned down, his lips less than an inch from her ear.

“I don't follow laws, Sophie. I am the law.”

There was so much sociopathic arrogance in that claim, but Sophie wasn’t sure he was wrong. He controlled more money than most people could conceive of. That’s why he was mad at her for letting little things like environmental laws get in the way of Apex’s plans. She’d been playing the game like a little guy. But he was a big guy. The biggest guy, and right now he was laying that ruler against her ass with swift, hard strokes clearly designed to make the lesson sink in.

Every stroke of the ruler sounded like a gunshot, pops and cracks echoing off the walls of his office as he made her ass hot and sore. Even over the alleged protection of her skirt, she could feel herself getting tender.

The embarrassment was worse than the pain. He was spanking her like he had the right to treat her like a spoiled brat. And he was serious about it. There was nothing to suggest that he was doing this to take advantage of her. He wasn’t being a sex creep. He was more like a disappointed father taking one of his misbehaving offspring in hand.

She had gotten ahead of herself. Three months with Carlyle telling her that she could do nothing wrong had made her confident beyond her capabilities. But that didn’t excuse this.

“I know this hurts," he told her. “Is it the first time you’ve been spanked?”

“Uhm… yes,” she admitted, blushing furiously.

“I thought so. That sassy mouth tells the story of a lifetime of disciplinary neglect. Like so many of your generation, you think you’re a law unto yourself.”

“You said you were…”

“The difference is, I am. You're not. You’re a spoiled baby with a superiority complex, and nothing to back it up. When you talk a big game, you need to be able to walk a good game. At this stage, you don’t even know the rules.”

He emphasized his point with another harsh whack of the ruler across the center of her upturned ass.

“Owch!” She grunted and bit her lower lip to stop herself from cursing out loud.

God. The things he could do to her. Slip that skirt up over her shapely ass, pull her panties down to mid thigh and sink his cock inside the wet cunt waiting for him. He could smell her arousal. He didn’t have to look to know that she was wet. The feminine perfume had been rising from between her thighs from the beginning. Every time she gyrated her sore little ass, he got another strong dose of the scent.

His cock was hard inside his pants, straining against expensive fabric. The way he was reacting to her was far stronger than he expected. He was supposed to be in control, but her mere existence was starting to affect him more powerfully than he had made allowances for.

There were a lot of attractive women in the company. Alex did not screw the crew. He usually didn’t spank them, either. But god, she deserved this. It was so satisfying to see the ruler make contact with those pert cheeks of hers. Her face was bright red with embarrassment, just like it should be.

Tags: Loki Renard Wall Street Beasts Romance