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Hand steady as a rock, I plucked the pen from its perch and signed on the dotted line. My usually clean signature coming out as a quick scribble.


Hugo took back the clipboard, returning it to its previous place. Never taking his eyes off me.

“Are you ready?”

For my dreams to come true? My wildest, craziest fantasy? The word burst out of me before I could think twice. “Yes.

It was absolutely surreal, a whirlwind, too fast, but somehow perfect. We fell into each other. Kissing passionately but also gently, Hugo giving me time to keep up with him as I learned. It was my first experience after all, and he was wonderfully patient. I thought he might take me right there on the couch. In front of the roaring fire, surrounded by books. Awkward as it was sure to be in terms of maneuvering, I couldn’t think of anywhere more perfect.

I barely sensed it as he lifted me from the couch. My entire body weight supported by his powerful arms as he cradled me like a baby. Continuing to kiss me all the way along, even up the old staircase, Hugo brought me to the master bedroom.

As the mattress of the Edwardian four-poster came up beneath me, I wondered how many people had been in that room. Let alone that house. Not only for the purpose for which I had arrived, a towel already laid out on the duvet, but in general. I got the feeling I was part of a very small and select group. One of the few Hugo thought he could give himself to. I was determined not to disappoint.

My shirt was lifted up over my head. Unveiling my breasts as I’d neglected to wear a bra. I’d still been naked when Cassidy called and didn’t want to take any extra steps. A decision which had apparently worked to my advantage.

Moving down my neck, Hugo worked his way along to my chest, his warm, gentle breath delightful on my bare skin. A lovely tingle ran through me as he licked gently along my right breast, taking my tender nipple in his mouth.

“Oh!” I moaned, filled with the most delicious pleasure.

Hugo teased me tenderly, before moving over to the other nipple, which he had been stimulating with his fingers. He applies same treatment to the moist one on the right, as he switched over to the left. Even this, just teasing my nipples, is almost enough to set me over the edge. Clearly he was a multi-talented man.

His hands on my sides, holding me still, Hugo moved down, getting ever closer to his final goal. On the way he stopped at my stomach, his wonderful tongue stimulating me in ways I’d never even thought possible. He brings me to previously unimagined realms of joy. Particularly for something so simple. I would never regard my belly the same way again.

Eventually, he made it to his destination, his chin brushing my belt as he kissed down toward my pelvis. I thought he might use his teeth. Not that I would have much minded, interested to see how such a thing might be done. Instead, he caressed both hands up my thighs, his gentle warmth detectable through the denim, and slowly, sensually, undid my belt. Followed closely by the top button of my jeans, working the zipper down inch by inch, releasing the scent of my excitement.

It was torturous, Hugo slowly, teasingly working my jeans down my legs until finally getting them off and away. I hadn’t worn panties either. My wet, young pussy was waiting for him as soon as he got my jeans off.

Taking pity on me, he did not prolong my suffering. He kissed his way up my inner thigh, the trip ending with a light lick across the length of my aching pussy. A feeling I’d had many times before but didn’t understand the cause. Or how easy and pleasurable the solution.

His talented tongue glided across my tender, virgin lips. Making all sorts of geometric shapes, only some of which I recognized but all of which felt amazing. Adding a practical use for geometry to his list of achievements.

As he licked, beginning to focus his attentions on my clit, he wet a finger and slipped it inside me. Just the tip at first. My tight pussy responding immediately. With gentle urging, particularly by his tongue, Hugo coaxed my pussy open. To where he could get a finger most of the way in. It was still a snug fit. Every movement perceptible as he moved in me but he was so tender, it only added to the already considerable pleasure.

I came in a burst. Like a dam falling and with much the same result. I’d expected more of a build-up, a preamble before the main event but I was eager to get there. For a moment, I thought I might pass out. Pure, dizzying pleasure almost more than my mind could hold. Sweet Hugo helped me keep my hold on reality. Lightly kissing my still tingling pussy. Easing me back down to earth from my halcyon high.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance