Page 7 of It’s Her Love

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“Okay, let me go change and then I’ll meet you where?”

“How about I pick you up in an hour at your room,” he states more than asks.

“I can be ready in thirty minutes,” this is another change from how I used to be where I would sit and make sure I look my absolute best at all times. These days though, I’m more about experiencing life.

“Alright, then I’ll see you in thirty,” he leans in to kiss me and as much as I want him to deepen it, I know he’s going slow and I’m more thankful of it each time.

He heads his way and I head towards mine with the sappiest smile on my face. I’m in the midst of trying to open my door when my phone starts ringing in my beach bag. I promised Natalie I’d keep it on me at all times, but that I’d keep it to texts only. I answer it without thought or a care that this is going to cost us a mint.

“Natalie is everything okay?” Worrying that there’s an emergency.

“What, wait, no. Why would you ask that?”

“Well you’re calling me, and we both know how expensive this call is,” I murmur into the phone trying to talk and unlock the hotel door at the same time.

“Fuck, I forgot this is international calling. Everything’s fine, love you, have a blast and text me later,” she says with a hurried breath.

“Love you, promise to text tomorrow. I’m going out to dinner,” I tell her as I finally make it inside. Couldn’t they have a normal key instead of the swipe ones that you have to wait for the green light?

“Okies, you better text me stat though!”

“Promise. Give everyone hugs and kisses,” I say into the phone and then hang up.

I’m in a mad dash to hop in the shower and wash off the sunscreen and wash my hair. I’m mentally preparing what I’m going to wear tonight, and I have the perfect dress and shoes for something casual. I can’t imagine Vincent taking me somewhere formal when we’re around the locals. I turn off the water, grabbing a towel to dry off and reach for a second towel for my hair. I over estimated my time by only giving Vincent thirty minutes, but best friends do come first. I rush out of the bathroom throwing on a strapless bra and panty set, and then putting on the halter style dress I recently purchased just for this trip. It’s white in color and has flowers splashed throughout. I put my straw wedges on, then run back to the bathroom and play around with my hair, finger combing it to make beachy like waves. Once I’m satisfied with my hair, I swipe some mascara on my lashes and lip gloss on my lips. I’m just stepping out of the bathroom when I hear a knock on the door. I go up to the door looking through the peep hole and seeing Vincent, I swing the door open and stop dead in my tracks. He’s that handsome. He’s wearing black shorts, a white linen shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and he’s showing off his awesome tattoos. After seeing them earlier today, and then again when he was on the beach, I wanted to seriously sit there and do nothing but trail my fingertips along them.

“Damn, Babe. You’re fucking beautiful,” he growls out.

“Well you look pretty spectacular yourself,” and this time I go up to him and on my tippy toes I kiss his lips. Only when I go to take a step back, he grasps the nape of my neck and deepens the kiss. Not overly so but more in a teasing way. When our kiss finally ends, I’m breathing heavy and his eyes are filled with lust.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Yeah, let me just grab my purse,” I tell him and pick it up, making my way back towards him. “I’m all set,” as he takes my hand in his, we set off for the elevator.

Chapter 10


My first taste of Sophia, it was over before it really started, but fuck do I want more of her taste, more of her body wrapped around mine, and just fucking more.

We make our way down the beaten path and towards where the employees and locals come to hang out after work. I may be a business man by trade, but I like to unwind, and I find being around people that are down to earth are more my speed.

I hear Sophia gasp when she sees the restaurant with a bar off to the side, and the band playing on the stage to the left. There are little tables scattered here and there. What she doesn’t see is the kitchen. It’s back behind the scenes, and this right here, is a little slice of peace of tranquility on Earth.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance