Page 5 of It’s Her Love

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“That’s what I was going for when I bought it fifteen years ago,” I tell her.

“Wow. But wait. You’re so young. How is that even possible?” Her gaze is looking up at me.

“Babe, I’m not that young. Pushing forty this year. I was just lucky enough to scoop up, invest and have the funds to do it.” I tell her honestly.

“Shit,” I hear her say under her breath.

“What was that?” I say with a chuckle.

“Well, umm. Shit is what I said, but what I really meant to say is that’s incredible. I guess we should, umm…go check in now? Or I should anyways.” Fuck, maybe me telling her my age wasn’t a good thing, she may be having second doubts or thoughts and I intend to clear that up, right the fuck now.

“Sophia, age and money. Fuck, Babe. They have nothing to do with what’s building between us.” I have a firm grip on her hips. I’ve kept my hands to myself for the most part, but in this instance, I knew she’d have to see that I truly mean what I say.

“Oh, I just yeah, I thought you’d have a problem with my age, because well. I’m well, I’m twenty-two and I’m just starting out and here you are, in your thirties with your quote-un-quote shit together, and I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life,” she all but rushes out.

“Babe, it’s admirable that you know you’re not happy where you’re at. You’re working shit out, taking the time to live. Just because we have seventeen years between us, doesn’t mean we can’t take a chance and see where this leads us. Who knows we may end up hating each other, but I’m telling you now, I know that shit is highly doubtful. Let’s just take these next couple of weeks while you’re here and I’m here, learn everything we can about each other? We can go as fast or as slow as want, Soph.”

“Okay, umm…Yeah. We can do that, just, you know. Promise me if it doesn’t go as it seems it should you let me know early on,” she says with a wistful look on her face, and that’s when I know. Some douchebag hurt her before. I can’t fucking believe it, the mere hours I’ve been in her presence and some dumb ass fucked up his chances with her. In this instance, I’m thankful as fuck to be the one to pick up the pieces.

“Yeah, Babe. I promise.”

Chapter 7


We checked in, well really, I checked in. Vincent has his own place here on the resort, so after I checked-in he walked me to my room. I probably should be a little more uneasy about him knowing what room I’ll be in, but he owns the resort, so I’m thinking he could find out the information easily enough. I’m walking through when he calls out, “I’ll call you later Sophia, get settled and we’ll meet for a drink, if you want.”

I thought he’d be in the room with me, but I guess he’s not. I walk back towards him and there he is, standing at the threshold, leaning against the door jam. His hands in his pockets and his ankles crossed, he’s so damn beautiful and he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing to me. My nipples instantly sharpen to hard points, and a feeling between my legs happens, that has never happened to me before, not from merely being around someone. I may be a virgin, but I know how to have self-induced orgasms.

“Oh, okay. I thought you might stay awhile,” I say with hope in my voice.

“I’d stay here all day, I promise you that, but you’ve had a rough day and I’m sure you want to change and get settled,” he says sounding almost as disappointed as I feel.

“That is true, I do need to change. That won’t take too long though, what time do you want to meet?” I ask him.

“How about seven? The sun will still be out, and we can watch the sun set,” he has a look of calmness about him, one I hope I get to see on him throughout my stay.

“Alright, well I’m going to throw a bikini on, grab my beach bag, and head down to the beach,” I tell him, in my head I already know which one I’ll be wearing. I may be pale but after a few days out in the sun, my tan will start to peak and give me a sun kissed look.

“Fuck, Soph, you in a bikini. I’m only so strong, Babe,” he rumbles out.

“Well do what you need and then maybe you can join me?”

“Yeah, I’ll go do that now, but first, come here,” he states. I don’t hesitate, I instantly go towards him. When I get just a step in front of him his hand comes up, he holds my chin up and then his face is coming down towards me. He lightly pecks my lips and I sigh aloud, that spark I felt before is back and I hope it stays. We slowly break apart and I’m rocking back on my heels, blushing like crazy.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance