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Licking, lapping at the heated moisture, his tongue pressed inside her entrance, his groan sent a vibration of scalding pleasure against her sensitive flesh as he tongued her with quick, rapid strokes. Each hungry thrust of his tongue had her crying out for more, her senses rioting out of control again.

“Cullen,” she sobbed, her hips jerking against his mouth.

Fiery, ecstatic, she climaxed again in surging waves as her hips bucked against each stabbing thrust and hungry lick.

The blinding intensity of pleasure came from more than just the act, though, and Chelsea knew it. It wasn’t just the sensual, erotic touch alone unraveling her. It was what he did to her each time he took her. That feeling that each time he took her, he possessed more of her heart had a part of her soul shaking in terror.

“This is all I’ve thought about, all I’ve ached for, for years.” His voice rasped with a rough, dark hunger that had her trembling at the need in it. “Damn you, you’ve made me crazy.”

Rising between her thighs, he stared down at her, his gaze fiery, sweat-dampened features flushed, lips moist from her juices.

Panting, fighting for air, Chelsea stared up at him, dazed as she watched him fighting for control. Cullen? Fighting for control? Until this moment he had been the most controlled person she had ever known.

Before she could make sense of that change, he moved over her, gripping the heavy shaft of his cock and guiding it to the slick, swollen folds between her thighs. They parted over the broad head, opening for him, embracing him as he pressed the engorged crest between them.

Watching, drunk on the pleasure, she trembled at Cullen’s sudden desperate need, and she watched as he began taking her.

“I can’t be easy this time.” His breaths were sawing in and out of his lungs. “Ah hell, baby, I can’t be easy.”

Easy wasn’t what she wanted, though.

Her head ground into the blankets beneath her as he began pushing inside her. Short, quick thrusts parted the sensitive inner tissue. Flashing pleasure-pain struck at her nerve endings and ricocheted through her system.

“So fucking hot,” he bit out between gritted teeth, his expression savage, hewn in lines of fierce male pleasure.

Chelsea’s hips bucked into each deeper stroke, crying out at the rapture beginning to whip inside her. Stretching her, filling her, he worked his cock inside the snug channel until he completely filled her, possessing her body and, she feared, her soul.

Ah hell, she was so tight, so hot. It was all he could do to hold back to ensure her pleasure, until he relinquished that final thread of control and lost himself inside her.

She writhed beneath him, perspiration dewing her flushed features, her gaze slitted, staring back at him, dazed with the rushing pleasure he was giving her.

He was buried inside her to the hilt, her sweet flesh gripping and milking his dick, destroying him.

Fuck, what had happened to him? He had more control than this and he knew it. Where had it gone?

His breathing was erratic; flaming pleasure engulfed his senses. It was so extreme he was on the verge of shaking, trembling in her grip as he felt her pussy rippling around his erection.

He was steel hard inside her, his dick so engorged, so fucking hard he had to grit his teeth to keep from pounding inside her like a maniac.

“Fuck, you feel good, Chelsea,” he groaned, pulling back, the already snug channel tightening around him further as though to hold him inside her. “All I can think about is fucking you, touching you, tasting you.”

Finesse was not happening and he knew it the moment he slammed inside her again, feeling her hips jerk, her pussy grasping him, milking at the tortured length of his cock.

Her expression was drowsy, pleasure-drugged, as he stared down at her, a wave of possessiveness gripping his chest as he paused again, loving the way her pussy flexed and rippled around his cock. The feel of it pulled another groan from his chest as destructive waves of nearing rapture raked through his senses and tightened his balls.

What the hell did she do him? What was she doing to him? Mating Heat was physical, it had nothing to do with emotion; it couldn’t, could it? Yet no matter how hard he fought he could feel her pushing at the walls he’d built around his soul.

The tiny glands beneath his tongue were doing more than itching now. They were swollen, inflamed with the mating hormone as he tasted the heated essence of it.

Thrusting inside her, he gritted his teeth as he fought to hold back, to relish each stroke of his cock in her sweet pussy; he knew he couldn’t keep from kissing her much longer and sharing the drugging essence of the mating hormone.

One hand grabbed her hip, a snarl of frustration tearing from his chest, Cullen lowered his head as his thrusts became harder, deeper, and brushed his lips over hers.

“Kiss me, baby,” he growled, his tongue aching for the warmth of that kiss. “Take all of me.”

She moaned against his lips, her hands gripping his biceps, nails pricking his flesh as her lips parted, her tongue meeting his as he stroked past the sweet curves.

The cinnamon taste infusing his senses intensified as his tongue stroked over hers. Then her lips surrounded it, suckled at the taste, once, twice, pulling it free in a rich flood of exquisite heat.

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal