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She was like a flame in his arms, reaching for him, burning through his soul with the need she gave him in turn.

Her lips parted beneath his, just as wild, just as driven by the overwhelming hunger for him as he was for her.

His tongue pumped into her mouth, spilling the liquid heat of the hormone to both their senses, stronger now, more intense than before. The taste of it in his mouth had been killing him as she’d stalked out of the kitchen.

He’d waited too long for her, too many years, too many nights needing her. As his kiss ate at hers, his tongue stroked and licked between her lips, and Cullen tore at their clothes, getting rid of them however possible, as quickly as possible.

Tearing his lips from hers long enough to push her to the bed, he nearly lost his breath at the sight of her.

Dark, apricot flesh, her breasts swollen and topped with cherry-ripe nipples. Slender legs, well-toned thighs and the prettiest pussy in the world.

Fuck, he loved her pussy. The fact that she didn’t wax or shave fascinated him. Neat, well-trimmed little curls framed the dark pink bud of her clit. Moisture beaded on the curls covering the swollen folds below, her sweet juices a subtle, tempting scent that made him crazy to taste her.

Stripping his jeans off, Cullen watched her with narrowed eyes, his breathing sawing from his lungs as he fought for control. Just enough control to relish the sweet taste of her before the imperative need to take her overwhelmed his desire to just enjoy her.

As he eased onto the bed, spreading her legs and sliding between them, his lips were poised above the little curl-shrouded mound. Watching, he let a finger slide through the slick moisture-laden slit.

“How pretty,” he groaned, his voice deeper, darker than before. “So wet and sweet. Just thinking about eating your pussy has me ready to come.”

“Stop thinking about it and eat it, then.”

The sensual demand had his cock jerking against the blankets and the taste of the mating hormone flooding his mouth. Helpless against that hunger, Cullen lowered his head and with the sweet heat of the hormone spilling from the glands, he drew the sensitive bundle of nerve endings to his mouth.

“Oh God . . . Oh God . . . Cullen,” Chelsea cried out, her hips jerking as his hands slid beneath her rear, fingers clasping the rounded flesh as he lifted her closer to his mouth.

The most incredible heat and blazing pleasure tore through her clit. It was unlike any sensation she’d ever known. As he sucked the swollen bud, his tongue lashed over it, sending her senses burning with the friction he was creating.

Lifting her knees, she tried to pull herself closer, desperate for more of the extreme heat, more of the agonizing pleasure.

“Oh God, it’s so good.” As she fisted the blankets in her fingers, wild whimpers fell from her lips. The extremity of the pleasure was tearing through her, burning her and gathering in force.

Shudders worked over her body, through her senses. Her clit was so swollen, so sensitive that each lash of his tongue was like a stroke of ecstasy itself.

She couldn’t bear it. The suckling heat of his mouth, the hungry flicks of his tongue and growls of male pleasure added to each lash of sensation until she was fighting to breathe. She was certain she couldn’t survive it any longer before orgasming only to have him push her higher.

“Cullen, please,” she cried out desperately.

He lifted her closer, and his lips and tongue went lower. Licking forcefully past the entrance to her vagina, he stole her breath.

He licked, stroked. The furious waves of pleasure were sharper, brighter, her inner flesh flexing with increasing strength as her need for orgasm became agonizing.

Just when she was certain she couldn’t bear another second of the increasingly fiery bands of sexual tension gripping her, Cullen’s lips lifted, wrapped around her clit, and his fingers were tunneling through the rippling tissue of her sex.

The explosion was a cataclysm. Imploding waves of rapture burst through her, forcing a cry past her lips as shudders tore through her body.

Before the first wave had time to ease, Cullen covered her body and the heavy width of his cock began pushing inside her. She couldn’t stand it. She was certain she couldn’t.

Until her greedy senses made a liar of her.

Cullen couldn’t restrain the harsh groan that tore from his chest. Working the head of his cock inside the snug depths of her pussy, he let each sensation, each harsh wave of pleasure, wash over his senses.

The absolute need to imprint his possession on her and hers on him was desperate now. As desperate as the need for release.

Pumping fully inside, pushing through the clenching depths of her pussy was almost painful in the pleasure squeezing his cock.

He wasn’t going to last.

Writhing beneath him, arching into every thrust, he could feel Chelsea rushing into orgasm again and lost all sense of reality.

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal