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She stilled as his teeth raked over her throbbing pulse, shocked by the sensitivity of her flesh as he drew at it lightly before giving the area a firm little nip.

Flames arced along her nerve endings as pleasure exploded through her senses. Clenching her fingers against his chest, Chelsea turned her head, baring more of her flesh for his lips, teeth and tongue to raze.

Her senses were dazed, drugged as each rake of his teeth and stroke of his tongue burned against her flesh, made her desperate for more.

Moving her hands from his chest, she pushed them to his back beneath the material of his shirt. She raked her nails over his tough flesh, arching against him until her nipples pressed into his chest.

The sensitive points rioted with pleasure. Electric trails of sensation tore from the tender tips, joined with those caused by his lips at her throat before racing to the swollen bud of her clit. Damp heat spilled from her aching sex, slick, sensitizing her further.

Chelsea felt feverish, desperate. She’d never known a touch like Cullen’s or her response to it. As though her body had been waiting for his touch, anticipating it, and now every synapse it possessed was coming alive for it.

This need wasn’t normal, it couldn’t be normal. Sexual hunger clawed at her pussy, pulsed through it and had her clit so swollen and painfully sensitive she couldn’t help but whimper. Her juices spilled along her sex, slickening the folds between her thighs, preparing her for him.

She clutched at him as his lips came down on hers once again, his kiss holding her captive as he worked the band of her cotton pants over her hips before stripping them down her legs along with her lacy panties.

“Cullen . . .” she cried out as his lips jerked back from hers, stealing the subtle flavor of cinnamon spice she’d found there. “What are you doing to me?”

Her hips arched as she shuddered in reaction to his callused fingers sliding through her swollen slit.

“Oh God, Cullen—”

His thumb found her clit, raked over it, caressing it with devastating results.

“It’s okay, baby, I have you,” he whispered, his lips moving along her jaw, trailing along her neck and burning a path to her breasts as his hands stroked and caressed her with burning heat. A blaze she couldn’t combat, one that couldn’t be fought back.

The need for him was so out of control, so desperate she wanted only one thing.

“Please, Cullen, now,” she moaned, arching against him as his tongue stroked over one painfully erect nipple, then another.

His fingers stroked, played, teased the saturated folds of her pussy.

“Soon.” The growl in his voice was deeper, more arousing than ever. “Let me touch you first, sweetheart, taste you.”

His lips settled over a nipple then, sucked it into his mouth, rasped it with his tongue until she was writhing beneath him and only barely aware that he was stripping his own clothes from his body.

Chelsea was shaking with the driving need to be taken, to feel him moving inside her, hard and hot. Her hands moved from his shoulders to his hair, tangling in the rough strands, her nails pricking his scalp as she tried to pull his mouth closer, convince him to suck at her nipple harder.

Instead, he released the peak, licked over it a final time. Looking up at her, his gaze hooded and heavy with lust, he began kissing down the middle of her stomach in a burning path to the aching flesh between her thighs.

She had never known such pleasure. She’d never burned like this, never felt this need raging through her with such painful intensity. And when he breathed over the sensitive bud of her clit, that need became a wildfire racing out of control.

As he stretched out between her thighs, one hand tucking beneath her to lift her leg, resting it over the back of the couch, his lips lowered, his tongue stroking through the quivering folds of her pussy with devastating results.

Pressing her thighs farther apart, he worked his tongue through the folds with a rough, growling sound of pleasure.

“Fuck, you taste sweet,” he groaned. “Sweet and hot, burning through me like a flame.”

She strained against him, whimpering as he rimmed the entrance to her vagina, his tongue flickering over it, pushing her higher.

Fighting to breathe, gasping with each sensation, Chelsea strained against him, desperate now for orgasm.

His tongue tormented, teased, pushed her into a storm of sensations where pleasure was but a paltry word for the exquisitely painful bliss raging through her. Waves of it tore through her, shuddering through her body as she cried out for him again.

His lips returned to her clit as one hand moved between her thighs, his fingers finding the entrance of her pussy where he stroked her, his finger dipping in marginally, then pulling back to stroke again.

“Cullen . . . Please . . .” The gasp was involuntary as her head twisted against the cushions, her fingers fisting in the edge of the one beneath her.

Spasms were rippling through the tender inner flesh as her womb clenched with the need for release. Then another finger joined the first, a pinching, heated pressure as he worked both inside her. Her hips jerked up, slick moisture spilling to meet his fingers as his tongue flickered over and around her tormented clit.

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal