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"Braden. " She was shaking, her breasts so swollen, so sensitive that the thought of him touching them stole her breath. Never had arousal been so intense or pleasure so fiery.

"Yes, baby?’ The hungry growl weakened her knees as she felt the shirt lift slowly over the material of her bra.

"Kiss me. " Her hands still gripped his forearms, even as they rose, his hands lifting her arms before whisking the material of her shirt over her head.

"I will. " He nipped at her lips. "I promise. But not yet. I want you to feel this first. I want you to know it. To know you need it, hunger for it, before I kiss you. "

"You kissed me last night. " She panted roughly as he caught her hands and lifted them, holding her wrists in one hand and stretching them above her head as the other flipped open the latch of her bra.

"Braden. " She fought to breathe as she felt the material part, the lace scraping against her sensitive nipples. He stared down at her with narrowed eyes.

"One kiss. " He growled, his head lowering. "That was just one kiss. "

He smoothed the material from the swollen mounds, making certain to rasp it over the burning tips of her nipples as she cried out at the sensation. Wicked forks of fire shot from the heated tips to her womb, stealing her breath, her mind, as she trembled at the caress. Her eyes closed, her body jerking in sensory overload as she felt his breath whisper over the tips.

"So pretty," His voice was like dark, midnight-velvet, rough and sensual.

"The softest pink in the world. Innocent pink. Are you a virgin, Megan?"

She shook her head desperately.

"Thank God for that. " His voice echoed with relief, with an erotic hunger that stole her breath. "Because I don't know if I would have the control to take you as you deserved if you were that innocent. And God knows it would kill me to hurt you. "

His tongue licked over her nipple with just a hint of roughness. It was enough to have her arching against him, her pussy convulsing as heated liquid flowed from it. She twisted in his grip, desperate to get closer, to feel the moist caress just one more time. When it came she nearly screamed. His lips covered the tender peak, drawing it into the furnace of his mouth as he began to suckle her. His tongue flickered over it like a wild flame as a hungry growl echoed around her. Heat raged around her, through her, ripped through her womb and exploded through her body as he sucked at her breast, nipped at her nipple, and tortured her with a pleasure she could not have imagined existed.

"Braden" Her hips arched against the wedge of his cock as his knees bent and he thrust against her jeans covered mound.

She could feel him, thick, hard. Between layers of clothing he burned her, stole reason and pushed her closer to a mindless abyss of pleasure. His tongue flickered over her straining nipple as he bent to her, suckling at her with a slow, easy rhythm.

"I can smell you. " His voice was almost reverent, his lips drawing her gaze, the swollen curves heavy, sensual.

"As sweet as a spring rain, as hot as fire. I want to taste you, Megan. "

She swallowed, certain she wouldn't survive the overload of pleasure. She stood still, staring back at him, trembling as he released the snap of her jeans and lowered the zipper slowly.

"Kick your shoes off. "

Megan moved to toe the sneakers from her feet, forcing her legs to obey the simple commands as his head lowered, his lips caressing her collarbone, his teeth scraping it.

"Good girl," he crooned when the shoes were pushed aside.

Slowly he lowered her arms, releasing her wrists as he placed her hands against his lower stomach. He gripped the T-shirt he wore and jerked it over his head, staring back at her intently.

"Undo my jeans. " He growled.

"Braden. " Her hands trembled as the heat of his flesh soaked through her palms. "I can't think. " She shook her head weakly, fighting to make sense of the needs tearing through her, the lust so unfamiliar, so much stronger than anything else she had ever known.

"Then don't think, baby. " His hands cupped her face before moving to her hair, pulling at the length of her braid. "You undo the pants, I'll release the braid. Such soft, pretty hair. I want to feel it brushing over me, Megan, caressing me. "

Her fingers gripped the snap of his jeans. God, she had never even done this before. It came loose easily, sliding from its mooring as his abdomen flexed with a convulsive shudder.

"The zipper now. " The nylon band that held her hair came free.

The feel of his fingers unwinding the thick ropes of hair made her eyes close, her fingers moving to the zipper. Beneath it, his cock throbbed, thick and warm; it waited beneath the material for freedom. Pulsed in eagerness.

She gripped the tab of the zipper, lowering it, easing it over the straining length of his erection. Her thighs clenched against the ravenous need,

the hunger burning her alive.

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal